What’s your problem with the storyline?

Alright. I will throw my two cents.

First time doing the story it was alright. A bit too much text here and there but it was good for Roblox standards. I loved the Awakening/Poseidon part that was art.

Second time… good chunk of the story magic is gone. The dialog boxes get heavier. The stuck in the Ravenna mines part gets tiresome.

Third time gets tedious. The mines feel like a massive chore even if it lasts 5 minutes.

5+ and I finally realize I WANT A SKIP CUTSCENE. Especially the glorified cutscene that the Ravenna mines is. Its purpose is making the player feel miserable for immersive gameplay which the first time is great. Oh I feel miserable right now alright.


you saved her men and offered your services, i don’t really see how she would still be skeptical of your group. she is also really needs your group’s help considering sameria only has 2 curse users to keraxe’s 4, which is why she took an interest to morden having a curse

the plot of forest of masts has a different purpose that will be revealed way later on, also buildup for a pirate boss who no one in these seas knows about since shes from the maruading sea and unknowingly harpooning ships on an island wouldnt really make sense

she doesn’t expect skyhall to help especially considering they never meddle in sea affairs, she sent you there as a prayer basically


damn, so we’re the useless guy being sent for formality while the others do the actual important work lol

I mean it makes sense, we have a group of 3 that probably looks like this to an outsider:
Prodigy who unlocked a lost magic at an early age.
Death curse holder.
Some random homeless guy that’s been getting dragged around by those two.


finally someone gets it



Ok jokes aside I really do think it’s a missed opportunity that the dark seas will have little to no plot relevance it’s a chance for characters to learn about the past with the ghosts and other structures as well as well and callbacks to arcane adventures heck you could even introduce some strong pirate crews this way

I know you probably get annoyed being compared to one piece or deepwoken but both mediums have the whole dangerous sea that barely anybody survives bs and it honestly works and is an important part of the lore so to see the dark sea have little involvement in the storyline is disappointing imo.

I’ve seen people bring up similar points and it’s true they’ve had barely any time to spend with each other but I hope we get to see more of the crew interact together

Not that this is that big of a story thing but Maria is such a bullshit bossfight I cannot even begin to fathom how the hell she got past testing

if I had to say an actual issue relating to the story: It’d probably just be the fact that Elius, of all people, is the one who loredumps us on curses

why on earth would ELIUS loredump curses on us, when RANDAL, the LIVING LIBRARY, is RIGHT BEFORE HIM, and has knowledge on almost EVERYTHING in the AU?

Not to mention Randal would probably be a lot more willing to explain to us what a curse is since he’s aware our minds are a bit hazy and lost, wouldn’t elius just be a little bitch about it and not tell us? a bit of a weird out of character moment.

Yeah she’s a total bs boss but I was hyped to see a major water mage but yeah definitely a pain in the ass to fight

risking their life to talk to ghosts (which they wouldnt know are out there because its too dangerous to even go) is stupid, like i dont think you get how dangerous the dark sea is in lore, there is absolutely nothing out there that would be worth it for a character to sail to go get. The rain is poisonous, the waves are too strong, the sea monsters… etc etc


why would randal randomly dump info of sea curses on you when sea curses are not plot relevant at that moment… Elius explains sea curses because of the context of his dialog


…is it too hard to just make it where randal decides to warn you about a dangerous power that acts as a major plot device around the world? like, as a heads up considering as it seems like randal has basically infinite wisdom???

his context is “you don’t know what sea curses are? okay erm so basically-” it feels really random considering how salty he was about his defeat :fr:

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Doesn’t massive treasure still exist on the dark sea in the form of dark sealed chests or is that strictly a gameplay thing?

your suggestion would be just as random as elius explaining it


sealed chests in general are a gameplay mechanic


Hypothetical cutscene that would fix this (seeing as you just admitted that elius explaining it is also very random and OOC)

-Warren notices another book pertaining to something about keraxe and their curse users

-He sounds worried and the MC asks what’s wrong

-He says not to worry about it for now, but then asks the MC if they’re aware of what a sea curse is

-MC says no, Randal can chime in to loredump.

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what about things like the exotic scrolls? are those canonically some ancient sorcery that is only found in places like the dark sea or are they occasionally dug up/found in the war seas

yeah i plan on changing the explanation when the story is made into books, however for it being a game right now i dont see it as that huge of a thing that would warrant entire storyline changes


canonically enchanting is probably just done by alchemists and stronger enchants come from more experienced alchemists, thats what id assume at least

stats in general are obviously a gameplay thing, theres no reason for argos’s armor unenchanted to make your magma puddles last longer for example, and no reason for putting some handwraps on to make your guns stronger in lore

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@Vetex I’m just wondering, but story wise, does in-game armor that give stats like size and attack speed actually affect the “stats” of characters in the AU that much, or is it really just a “wearing armor protects you more” thing and not a “wearing this armor doesn’t really protect you, but it does make your attacks slightly bigger/faster” ?

Oh I just noticed this, so this is probably an answer lol

i dont think armor would give other stats than defense unless its arcanium

the way arcanium weapons work is probably something like the metal conducts your magic > you can cast the magic through the weapon > the weapon changes the properties of your magic

id imagine arcanium armor works similarly and changes the properties of your magic, since youre wearing it itd affect your actual casting

that being said what im saying is just assumptions, so nothing i say is 100%

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Okay this actually makes a lot of sense