What was your favorite retcon?

I like how Arthur the Cursebeard is called King Arthur now. Cursebeard sounds terrible.
Granted, it’s not totally a retcon, but it’s a name change.

the removal of minds and ability to learn however many magics you want, i like magic

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Magic viruses, probably

the 12 unknowns and torren were a little goofy

Nah that would’ve been peak

dude i loved the minds and mutations system i can’t tkae this slander

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I can’t tell if I like it more with or more without. It works well with AA, but poorly with AO.

i don’t think it really works that well in either case tbh

tbf being able to learn unlimited magics i understand being strange, but i think it’s nice that you can learn any magic instead of only the ones your bases can mutate into

call me a hater but there aren’t many retcons that I’m particularly fond of. I’d say the correction of External curses to Experimental curses were pretty cool, especially how they work off of spirit energy instead of magic energy. though spirit energy itself is a mixed bag for me

Since you can learn magics through scrolls, why exactly do the scrolls overwrite your previous magics?
Did bro forget?

It really feels like spirit energy as a whole was an afterthought by Vetex so he could add a 4th class path

just replacing one magic with another i guess, maybe it does so by changing the type of energy that’s set, though i’ve heard tell that a different item will be used instead

Magic what

I think it was a planned feature for AA that you could get sick and have a debuff for no reason

Paper Magic can be a good retcon, but only if it becomes a lost magic eventually
Post deleter.

I realized this wasnt the thread for retcons we miss lol

That’s fair, I kind of missed it for a second too when you said that.

Don’t know how many people this has gotten around to, but Vetex has retconned the spirit energy amount determining if you can use magic thing, but hasn’t updated the lore doc yet. I’m a massive fan of this one, I greatly prefer spirit and magic energy being unique forces that operate separately from each other. Not only does that make them more interesting on their own, but it makes it much more cool when the few people that can bring both forces together do so to great effect.


Honestly my favorite retcon was the removal of Aurem. There are three reasons for this. One: it was confusing as to how it made Prometheus stronger while at the same time it made Arthur stronger than Prometheus.

Two: Aurem just isn’t a good name for a red crystal with magical properties. C’mon Timaeus and Critias are right there could have called it Orichalcum to fit the Greek theme even more.

Three: it finally got rid of that clause in the Lore Doc saying mining was invented after magic. So after 100 ad, even though humanity has been mining industrially for around 10,000 years. This was my biggest gripe with the LD and I’m so glad it’s gone.

It should be noted I didn’t play AA, and have been getting my info about how Aurem worked and was integrated into the setting from the old editions of the LD. However my point still stands, despite my hyperbolic rage at this red rock that strengthened your magic.

Also for those who don’t know Timaeus and Critias is the book where Plato tells the story of Atlantis, and in the story Atlantis is noted for having what’s effectively reddish bronze known as Orichalcum.