What was your favorite retcon?

No, not really. If it’s gone, it’s gone.

no, he still has it

Britain being made canon probably

Why is Britain canon? He added a fictional island to a world that was supposed to be an alternate timeline to ours.

Whatever, plotholes I guess

Britain is eternal

It can’t be eternal if it isn’t real

Or is this one of those “art imitates life life imitates art” things


I really hope we learn WHY Prometheus gave humanity magic, cause just the very act of doing it seems… incredibly shortsighted for a god of foresight. He gave humans fire because he believed we needed it for warmth and food, so what did we need the literal force of power/destruction/war for? Has he not seen humans ruthlessly fight and kill each other over the most trivial things?

We don’t have the aurem powerup justification anymore, so was it out of the kindness of his heart? His belief in humanity? If his reasoning was coming from a good place then he should’ve given humans the ability to manipulate their spirit energy, the force of life, instead of the force of destruction :skull:

I actually made a small essay about this topic. It’s not my best defense, but it’s a reason at least.
(It’s been slightly edited, just for clarity’s sake)

If bro was a lightning timer, then there is no way he couldn’t have flown out of his predicament.

Two steps ahead… prometheus is always, two steps ahead

if one of the new gfcs isnt white fire im gonna spaz out

Magic viruses that were planned for AA; I don’t care if they’re just retconned as game mechanics or if they’re completely wiped, how they would work makes me wonder why I got out of bed whenever I remember that they existed at some point.

another one to the retcon’s dumpster