What went wrong with AO/its community?

Really, this is just trying to see who can shout “FUCK YOU” the loudest. The nonsense about generalizing is actually making y’all seem even worse; it’s like if two companies were trying to out-do each other so hard with price cuts and methods to reduce the cost of manufacturing to where both end up going out of business, because nobody wants anything to do with either side.

pvpheads :x:

people who do pvp :x:

people who do hunts against high renown players :x:

people who gank people without high renown/harm the game for people who just pve :white_check_mark:

that last one is the only one thats actually an issue but generalizing lumps everyone else in with them

vetex can’t catch a break :sob:

i’ll put my two cents into this topic as someone who used to no life arcane odyssey

yeah 80% of it is the general pvp community with a lotta bad apples ganking low levels for no reason
however, i don’t think world pvp should be removed entirely, but stuff like pvp servers and more in universe punishments against ganking sohuld be added

also i believe part of it are the updates
stale updates, incomplete balancing, and toxic metas don’t really contribute to a healthy world pvp environment
(at least we have our glorious king moochezz on the dev team now, i’m hopeful for this part)



honestly I feel like the main problem is just that certain sides of the community have changes made to suit them particularly which ends up messing with the majority of the community that never asked for said changes.

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too eager to go “hur dur evil pvp player wants to add changes that make it easy to gank us :rage:
it’s gets tuah point

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@OnionCream @Actravaz @15Edward

I fixed the PvPhead part. If you still have problems with it, private message me this time if it only involves me and any of you.

May I ask what these recent events are

fleet minigame :money_mouth_face:

probably people doomposting over agility removal


tl;dr Agility is getting removed. Hijinks ensues.

Are the hijinks like to the ones that ensued after vetex announcing the class name changes

Not to that level. It’s mainly fighting between two sides; one states that this fucks over PvE players who would rather get shot than engage in PvP, while the other side states that PvP should have more influence when it comes to decisions like these, believing this to be a win for them. There’s more nuance, but that’s the overall gist of the situation.

Personally, I’m on Team PvE. I’ve seen some baffling arguments from the PvP side of things that make it seem like a trip to Pyroland; I would love to see that one argument that says that agility being merc’d hurts gankers more than the ganked in particular, because that sounds especially looney.

theyre factually correct it gets tuah point where people cant take it anymore

possible solutions:

  1. remove pvp in non elysium servers
  2. ban all pvpers
  3. disband all clans

stuff like this is what i mean
i’ve repeated myself over and over but none of the people crying “pvphead! pvphead! pvphead!” ever fucking listen

I’m being serious; it might be a genuine “hear me out” sort of scenario.

Granted, “hear me out” has often been said before the most unspeakable horrors, but it might not be that bad here.

okay, i’ll explain

so the big argument for why agility is beneficial for pve players is that they can build it to escape ganks


  1. pvp players also build agility, oftentimes to a more effective degree than pve players since they likely have a minmaxed / complete build
    it’s easy to see how this turns world pvp into an agility tax where you physically can’t get away if you fail the tax
  2. with the removal of agility, pve players don’t have to build 4 million agility just to avoid pvp encounters
    they’ll actually be allowed to build shit that matters
  3. with everyone being the same speed, running is easier
    i see so many idiots constantly go “no agility will make pvp forced!!!”
    no the fuck it won’t
    it shouldn’t even be difficult to understand
    attacks freeze you in place
    the person running does not have to attack
    the person chasing does
    therefore if everyone has the same agility, running becomes favoured
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I like that first idea. Maybe they could make Elysium free for public Elysium servers and people only have to pay for it for a private Elysium.

Me, a pve player:

literally me
i run no agility pve cause im sigma :sunglasses: