That actually depends. Like, killing a baby animal for food is pretty fricked up, and killing animals for food is arguably bad since they weren’t really doing anything until someone wanted a deep-fried extra large Big Mac with triple patties and sauce.
Do not mention the abominable creatures referred to as “dolphins” for the love of God and all that is holy and for the sake of the souls of the children upon this forum.
i ask for a genie lamp
then i ask the genie for another genie lamp which gives me 2 free wishes every time until i have 70 wishes left
then i ask for a laugh track
Pocket dimension that I can enter and have full control over, and that any physical or mental changes made to me last outside said pocket dimension. easy answer
I want to stop beating my face on the keybahgfgawghfhahfFagwggwgwwgwgUahgfgfgwghwhahvnncmzmxnmklfkjRRjfhgbsbfbbnvhehdhswwwwwwwwwwasdwnasYwhnfhhahfyakfhwsbnhfwubyfwbfwbh zzzzzzbchndhmgjakfjjfjafjFjwah[pxckvjq[sjdsnjfkajfajkajdOaaasfnncmznfjkkglnb;vlcl;x;cxl;cxlqpwooqqwoppwwppwRdjjjjjjakawooowiiwoqqppcnmxmxn,mzUnbvnz,…/,kiiqopkuizkuwuququwuiwiqipeepeewuytkjsqjjakxnmmznfjafjMgpzoxnvngganmmsnfmfmgnmn Ujancnzmzxnzmcbvnm,mzmzmqiwedjfsshwaudfjwhpoopoozxcvbnmSvbnznvmm,zmcn[qoqiowiwwwfhjgjfEnbcdnhshdjakfmsejnfmakjfannmqnRbghesnjjmkwfhufbnwaubihfybhwfbnqujfhbqqufbqu hwjhjdnbahajwDhnqiufqhniuhfqjoqiudowhniojqiojfhuwhuoquhdiqdjqhdiqdhjknzmxnnnxnnmmmsawjkioqpdiAnfhawdnfwhjanfwjasdhwajsdjwahsdhjwjdawbhqjfnjnqjdfhbnqfjhbqjfbqjfbjqbfqbffnhwqhfhqfhqfhNhwhuqdqhjjnjhfnjaajjjjjjjjjjjjnjahfwqppppppe=nchn czmx’adwjfjjajiuwoqpCjjfkjakjakjkajkjujhkfgjmwknjndkjnwjjdEjfkaknwjndnaw
jwwqioqomnx 2