What wish would you make if you obtained the dragon balls

to become fish god

this would singlehandedly be the worst wish to ever happen :fr:

trust me, not a good idea.

you’re right. I wish for two wishes then use the first to return dragons and the second to delete DubiousLittleTyp0

well good job removing the one man capable of protecting humanity. (I wished for a million magics)

you are fucked.


except I’m a dragon?


you stop believing you have any form of power over me.

said the person who thinks they can delete the man of a million magics

I probably have some silly ahh “can’t be removed from existence” magic somewhere in there

i would wish for every person gets magic and that they mix up when people create a child and it continues forever until someone gets such a powerful magic that they end the world :frhigh:

he got the fucking dragon balls he can be whatever he pleases

and I have 1,000,000 individual magical and unfathomably powerful abilities

its 1,000,000 smh


hope one of them is know how commas work magic fr


lol get bullied for a very minor grammar(?) mistake haha!!!

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The panties of a hot babe, obviously

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concept: the thunderhead from Scythe becomes real

I see absolutely nothing wrong with any of this. It allow humans to figure out that we don’t rule the world nature does. Also like all Apex predators their populations tend to be smaller than those of their prey.

I see a running human which is scrawny af and then I also see a cow which is very nicely trapped in a wooden cage for me. I choose the cow every time.