What would be the absolute worst ideas that'd ruin Wom

Suggestion - The post above needs 20 million likes

The only way to gain reputation is by killing players.


Being able to level up to max level in a day by kicking.

arcane reborn devs taking it over


The devs reset generations and you can no longer flex your 5th generation

Honestly generations are stupid, so I wouldn’t mind this. They should be based off of your account, not your files.


Oh my god i would get so mad if that were to be a thing

Filtering Enabled 2 and World of Magic:Reborn

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Oh god that is indeed scary :hungry:

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Having to pay ROBUX to get out of prison, otherwise the council will hold you there for hours or even days.

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Needing only potions to heal would be so tedious and obnoxious

Sounds very annoying as well lol. Definitely would be a little harsh

Inventory and/or data wipes would also be up there.
I remember when they did the third inventory wipe in AA, I lost all my legendary gear and then they disabled trading legendary items so my plans to become a trader were ruined and my gear became terrible.
Needless to say I quit playing AA after this.

Hardcore mode would suck a lot

The other day I saw someone who thought pvp should be optional

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Flying Ships And nukes.

auto tracking blast move

Lootcrates with op items that can be obtained nowhere else.

FilterEnabled or what its called

The game is already filtering enabled.

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