What would you do if Arcane Odyssey was your game?

The idea for this post comes from Maple’s post,

So I figured “actually, what would other people do?”. If you could make Arcane Odyssey, or a game heavily similar to it, what would you do? Do you think your vision would be superior to Vetex’s, do you think it’s feasible, or too ambitious?

Rarity Hierarchy
Common / White - Static Trainers
Uncommon / Green - Static Trainers, Wandering Trainers
Rare / Blue - Wandering Trainers, Rare Trainers
Legendary / Purple - Rare Trainers
Unique / Yellow - Boss Drops, Unique Conditions

Static Trainers are Trainers who will never disappear from where they are. They’ll always be where they were last.
Wandering Trainers are Trainers who disappear once someone begins to learn from them. They’ll immediately reappear elsewhere.
Rare Trainers are Trainers who disappear once someone begins to learn from them. They’ll never reappear within four other rare trainers and can take several hours for another Rare Trainer to appear in their place at all.

Methods are the way in which a Spell or Technique is cast. They are the most integral component and are required in all cases.

  • Projectile (Common)
  • A single projectile that goes towards the cursor or the player’s orientation. The size of the projectile can be altered.
  • Aura (Uncommon)
  • A simple mode that increases the user’s capabilities with the Magic or Fighting Style they’re using Aura on.
  • Teleportation (Rare)
  • A form of mobility that can be done as proper teleportation, portal teleportation, or projectile teleportation.
  • Garden (Legendary)
  • A widening arc that starts from a single point and then gradually widens. Its position can either be surface or aerial.
  • Superior Throne (Unique)
  • A method that forms a throne for the user to sit upon, then creates an arena around them. Instead of fighting themselves, a duplicate is made that they’re given control of. Half of the damage dealt onto the duplicate is done onto the user. If the duplicate is defeated, the victor will be healed half what they’d normally be healed for killing a player.

Shapes influence a Spell or Technique’s actual shape. They’re integral, but not required.

  • Sphere (Common)
  • No unique factors. Just a sphere.
  • Bullet (Uncommon)
  • Much smaller, much faster. Best used with the Multiply Modifier.
  • Snake (Rare)
  • Faster, but less overall damage. Deals additional status effect.
  • Spear (Legendary)
  • Granted a new setting, Pierce or Implode. Pierce makes the spell appear like a javelin, and will allow it to penetrate through objects or entities. Implode makes the spear appear like a trident, and will stick itself into the first object or entity it hits. It will then explode, dealing mostly status effect.
  • Bulwark (Unique)
  • Turns the spell into multiple shield-shaped projectiles, and granted a new setting. Blockade or Pressure. Neither affects appearance. Blockade keeps Bulwark static, meant strictly for defense or blocking off points of entry. Lasts longer. Pressure makes Bulwark move forward from where the user was facing. Can still block attacks, but meant to push people away.

Modifiers further influence a Spell or Technique in their capabilities. Not integral or required. Some Shapes and Methods have default Modifiers that can be changed, but there aer also Modifiers that can be added onto any Spell or certain Spells.

  • Multiply (Common)
  • Multiplies the Spell’s Methods and/or Shapes as applicable. Fires multiple times, can be interrupted. Time between projectiles fired can be changed.
  • Pulse (Uncommon)
  • Multiply, but instead creates a consistent stream in one attack, meaning it cannot be interrupted. Less damage and smaller, as well as harder to aim. Gap between projectiles can be changed.
  • Burst (Rare)
  • Multiply, but instead creates every projectile in one area at once and then releases them. Like a shotgun. More damage if all projectiles land. Spread can be changed.
  • In all above cases, wider gaps between projectiles will increase damage per projectile. Shorter does the inverse.
  • Fragment (Legendary)
  • Replaces a projectile’s standard explosion with shrapnel, which deals greatly reduced damage and status effect. Can either leave its shrapnel on the ground, further reducing its damage but effectively leaving a trap, or have the shrapnel removed.
  • Attunement (Unique)
  • Enables you to attune your spell or technique with another magic, fighting style, or some weapons.

Another concept for Modifiers is that they’re gained via a skill tree. Namely, modifiers that are inherent to other factors of a spell. For instance, Bulwark’s Pressure could be a part of its skill tree.

Discord’s bullet-point list is a bit cleaner than the Forum’s, and I’m too lazy to clean it for better readability.

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  • Remove Cooking and any related gimmicks. I don’t care if it means Arlyborg will hunt me down for the rest of my days.

  • Make the Siren Bow available for Hybrids at this point.

  • Remove Injuries as an idea. Fuck them.

  • Re-add non-potion Interchanges.

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Fighting styles no longer exist :pensive:

Spirit weapons (Ten characters)

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try to change a line of code, fuck up everything and then the undo button decides to not work BECAUSE I FUCKING HAT EROBLOX STUIDO

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delete the game and ban everyone (freedom)

I’m curious. Why?

delete the game

do nothing because i can’t code for shit


Oh I dunno… I’d just make a lot of optimizations that the base game doesn’t have.

Lightning in the dark sea isn’t bullshit anymore, for one.

Loadouts gamepass is free for all players.

More facial expressions and the ability to change facial expressions without the need for a tailor.

And so on.

What would you do for lightning?

-DOES NOT have the ability to damage players in combat.

-Has actual visual warnings before it strikes.

i would add cat ears


Add inferno early and nothing else for 3 years

me-wow is that the latest in felinor fashion

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It doesn’t add anything positive to the game; it only exists for a false sense of immersion that ends up being a complete nuisance to fill up. Starving to death is entirely irrelevant unless you go AFK for long periods of time constantly.

It does add something positive, some foods give you buffs. But it can definitely be pretty tedious.

Fair point, but potions are already a thing in the game and have a very similar creation process. You could keep a couple of foods as Potion Reagents for Invigorating, Energizing, and Recovery (hell, Energizing is ALREADY an available potion through Coppershrooms), and cut out the rest of them. It’s a completely superfluous, replaceable system that only harms the game overall.