What'd I miss? ft. Daveed Diggs

Title says it all. What have I missed from my 7-8 months off this site or my several months (not sure how long but at the very least 2) off the game. As far as updates goes I know there obviously hasn’t been much, honestly when I took that two month absence I was expecting to see WoM changed into AO.

I’m just overall curious right now about what’s happened to a community that I spent a good portion of my time with. So instead of manually going through months of topics and replies to find some stuff I’d figure I’d just ask the people who experienced it. Really I’m up to hear about anything regarding WoM that’s happened since my leave. Could be major news about WoM/AO itself, could be something minor that lasted for a day or two in the community, just want to be somewhat caught up on the events that’ve passed on this site and the game itself.

So with that I guess I’m back, wonder if anyone remembers me.

Like, what the hell is this? What does this mean? What happened on April 14th?

everything and nothing

A bunch of stuff has been finished in the trello. uh Jason got kicked from sun cry for reasons I will not disclose here. someone made femtex and bikini femtex art, and then femlevel80 art. And besides that I don’t think you’ve really missed anything oh and tech unpinned the 2 riddles

@ThatOneGuy “You’re not that guy pal, trust me, you’re not that guy.”

U-uh…links to the f-femtex art?


Will look at the trello though, thanks for that.

literally nothing, only reason we all are here is cause we’re bored and we’ve turned the forums into a chatbox

I remember you cause I’ve been relatively inactive for more than 6 months. I even lost regular. Now I’m slightly more active cause I did go to the trouble of clearing all my unread topics a while ago

Long time no see!

I’m afraid Apocalypse Bringer was removed by Vetex. It won’t make it into the game :frpensive:

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But it’s on the trello… Have I been duped? Been made a fool? Have my prayers, my poems, and those two short stories written about my love all been brought into existence just to die before this union can truly occur? Is there any meaning to WoM/AO without Apocalypse Bringer to be my goal? WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF IT ALL IF IT’S ALL GOING TO ROT AND NOT BE THERE!

The abortion of Apocalypse Bringer sprouts a seed of vengeance in my soul. I forego all magic now. Fists, blades, arrows, bullets, and various blunt objects will be my tools of destruction. I will seek those who still have Ancient magics and crush them to cope with this loss, so that they can regret discovering their magic and being one with it.

my edge phase has begun


Whoa… it’s a joke… but it was one totally worth it.

AB is still in the game, worry not, it was just some bait for reactions

You just saved those poor children I was going to slaughter for being able to get Equinox, then again if this was a joke then they were never in danger. Nice joke though.

Didn’t put too much effort into it, but hey, thanks.

I knew about this because I was trying to remember who was that AB simp I saw from months ago and then I saw you were. It’s been quite some time, I missed you here honestly

yes save children good yes.

:heart: :heart: :heart:
yeah I pretty much was forced to take a break as I had to focus on, well, life. Tried to become a US Marine but failed basic training, “occupational stress”, so now I’m back home.

Make sure to check his twitter as well for all the postings you might’ve missed.

As for the forums, I would just read this.

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Guys, I think we just made an anime antagonist.

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i remember you as the funny apocalypse bringer dude

probably not something i should be able to remember you for

We got some new Femtex art on the forum

That’s about it

Oh and AO leaks but nobody cares about that

femtex art > AO

Since the game won’t be out for 69 years we started simping for Femtex art I mean they did not me totally not me never think about it like that alright yeah yeah :+1:

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