What's everyone's beef with the balancing team?

They killed mine man

i made this at 6am
hence why i said I’m not gonna argue

they are kinda shit points because I didn’t wanna bother constructing a genuine response at 6am when I had an actual theatre play to work on thru the day

just saying balance is kinda questionable at times

i do admit ye
my points are shit

i don’t really care about balance that much but i just worry sometimes

Why do stun interactions even exist anymore at this point
(0.4 second stun is literally quicker than some endlags like wtf)

Why is theugerist getting buffed to high heavens (powercreep already goes crazy)

Rare scrolls are completely pointless now
(lowkey it’d be a good idea to instead make exotic scrolls upgrades to rare ones instead of being completely different items)

Thats about it off the top of my head. Well, it’s early access for a reason.

It was said to be the role as a pure Atk Spd set, and i for one am not complaining.

Also have to keep mind that secondary stats - aside from agility which is now facing 40% reduced effectiveness - just got a 20% reduced effectiveness as well.

So things start to balance out.

This would prove to be helpful given that rare enchants are present in Dark Sealed Chest lootpools. .

Would potentially give more of excuse to go to enchanters like Enizor and town Enchanters.

Yeah sure, people might figure out that you have to point at a target to travel further, but that one is obvious.
Then let me ask you, how does shot work, does it scale range wise with agility or atk speed, cause I’m quite sure its been swapped once, so now I don’t know, how come my shot sometimes deals half damage when i fight sirens, oh i randomly get to know thats cause shot got a change that made it do 50% damage at close to max range, no where is this really listed, and there is no dropoff before, so i thought sirens just had resistance when at long range.
My biggest problem with the balancing right now is that such things are not clear and really takes time to figure out, some more visability and clarity is needed in my opinion in regards to the changes that come through so often.

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Someone sent this screenshot in a server I’m in and I think it deserves a place in this thread


still think we should be able to see the cone :eyes:

This wasn’t even a change, it’s been this way since release bro

People will really pin anything on balance team


If you think it doesn’t matter, why are you even complaining

Bro will continue to act oblivious to how balancing is actually done

  • almost all imbalanced things are from new skills that didn’t even exist until the update released

bc most active balance team individuals are pvpheads and the pve side of the team barely speaks up

strength is still meta fuck you smoking bro

Just statements of fact; no point in complaining when it won’t be changed

What won’t be changed??

The polls’ terrible reach and representation

Anyways I kinda forgot why this argument started

Bro is speaking purely in hypotheticals, why would polling on a public server pinned in the main discord be a bad thing to you?? Would you rather we poll nobody and just add changes as we see fit?

  • forums is polled too, there’s no reasonable way to poll absolutely every person in the game on every single topic

Also the game isn’t big enough for thousands of people to be considered “bad reach and representation”

Well you’re talking about <1% of the population so idk

That applies to all polling in the history of ever, when you’re doing a research project, lemme see you do over 1% of a population.

Yes, the reach can only get so far; and thus the polls are going to be incredibly biased

That’s just a fact, can’t really do anything about it

Close-to-max range meaning if it doesn’t directly hit anything. Yes clarity in this game can be improved but "hitting something makes my skill deal more damage " isn’t exactly completely unintuitive. And as Level has said, this has existed since day 1, since fighting style gameplay in testing consisted of: “Run away and spam shot to splash people with the AoE at the max range of the attack” which prevented the need to aim or, you know, get close.

Can’t always provide this clarity sadly. For example I suggested that cone have some sort of visual indicator when you are targetting a player vs when you are not. Got some assortment of reasons as to why that couldn’t be added.

Aside from cone and shot though, what changes do you think need more clarity? Numbers are pretty much changed in every game and formula changes don’t tend to be directly disclosed (although stuff like alt stats on armor def need more clarity).

??? huh