What's everyone's beef with the balancing team?

still think there’s gonna be a big ass size nerf sometime in the future when you can just attack the whole sea with one attack.

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TRUE, lemme go remind the balance team (ask for them to buff intensity stat though)

Aight so someone on the balancecord brought up their reasoning being modifiers. Which, aight bro, I thought you were nerfing arcsphere because it can have gems, not because of modifiers.

For one thing, they tend to propose really drastic changes that seem to overtune different aspects. For example, thermofist warlord was really good in the hands of skilled players last update, but now I hear just thermo on it’s own is really bad due to the heat drain being oppressively high, calling for a ridiculously aggressive playstyle to even get up to speed. Also, some members (Pilles) are just jackasses.


You’re joking right?

I can see the ones w/o Airstalling a bit but still . .

How many lines of drugs :man_police_officer:

I sorta wanted to make a wood thermo file but then the nerfs dropped and I was like “bruh”

They exclusively focus on the PvP side of things and put absolutely no thought into PvE.
Not to mention incredibly weird and unnecessary changes like the cone detection or whatever its called, in which the entire reason it was implemented was invalidated by dodge reflex in literally the same update.

Like I’d love to see some discussion about maybe reducing the new atlantean weapon’s usage requirement so that non-warrior weapon builds can actually use them.

Like those usage requirements would make sense if we could actually meet them, but we can’t, and we won’t be able to for a fairly long time.

I think its weird to introduce weapons like that with high requirements at such an early stage of the game, especially since they’re only uncommon. However, that’s probably more Vetex’s decision rather than the balance team.

Cone check was added so people don’t fly into the sky with it

Reflex cannot so this and travels nowhere near as far as crashes do

Vetex handles a lot of the PvE side

If you want to add stuff to PvE you have Suggestions

because they do this:
nerf cooldown of blast from .5 secs to 0.75 sec
It’s not too bad right? how about they do this:
Nerf cooldown of blast by 50%
see the problem?

You mean “increase blast cd by 50%”?

That would convey less information since I’m sure many don’t even know the blast cooldown

The reason there’s %s for things like startups is because there’s seperate startup/endlag times on those skills (I.e. selino)

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The suggestions category in question:


literally nothing has been put in the accepted category since before suggestions were closed back during the time suggestions were open in WoM.

Come to think of it, does Vetex even read the suggestions?

Ok but it’s not like as balance team we can add new features. We have the same issue as everyone else in that regard.

I suggested capping npcs to 2 m1s before using a skill or waiting to allow for fs builds to not get cucked in PvE but it didn’t gain much traction and isn’t added.(not claiming this is perfect, just an example)

Any suggestions we make that don’t directly influence the PvP balance don’t have any more weight to them than anyone else making the suggestion.

Any PvE additions are just suggestions to vet where the only people with somewhat an advantage in that regard being testers

If you suggest in balance cord at least you won’t be yelling into a void since testers actually do read that and then can suggest it to vet. (This applies to forums too but suggestions on forums tend to be too grand and take too long)

The balance team listens exclusively to loud PVPheads, with not a damn given to anyone else. Not PVE players, not even to more casual PVP players. Their changes primarily consist of nerfs to things that were never broken except in extreme cases. They fundamentally misunderstand balancing philosophy, and their actions don’t satisfy anyone.


The balance team has a total of 5 pvpheads of over 30 members, the vast majority of the changes aren’t even by pvpheads, it’s literally using the general response of people.

Idk if you’re in the balance server but there’s quite literally votes on every single doc change and a channel for feedback on doc changes.

I think the people who complain the most tend to not actually vote or give constructive feedback(even worse is when they’re not even in the server and shit on it)

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How could you say this typ0…

How could you do this in front of me? About my homeland?


Valid point…

But I still do not understand why they thought gutting Fighting Styles was good. Even PVE players know they’re possibly the weakest option rn. Why the dozen themo nerfs and the dreaded cone?