What's everyone's beef with the balancing team?

no i love sword

Your damage getting gutted is probably mostly a result of:
#1. Power enchant got nerfed.
#2. Weapon damage got jumbled as a result of the weapon stat changes.

Boxing Warlord itself got about a 6% nerf.

I haven’t really played around with Boxing Warlord and I understand that Boxing’s playstyle inherently relies on more movement, but as a Sailor Warlord (a fstyle 23% slower than Boxing) with 99 agility, I can say my mobility feels fine. My damage also definitely went down but it’s tolerable.

I can say however, that without a leap, navigating the environment in Dark Seas for example feels a lot more frustrating, but having Selino helps relieve that a lot.

Only issue would be inconsistencies in cone check, which will be fixed next update. I haven’t gotten a chance to test the new cone but other testers have said it is much more lenient now.

honestly just arrest them for finding a way to smoke the drugs u usually snore and by any chance can u tell me how they did it? for science

honestly its just hell, as i see pvp in general rn is just so unfun, the only difference that i see from 1.13 and 1.14 is that now everyone haves the side mobility of a bers and ur just unable to use mobility to go upwards, like is so fun to see a mage airstalling, spamming the living shit and even using the wrong abilities that usually leaves a opening just so when u get close to wake up he is on the opposite part of whatever island ur fighting, so fun to see everyone dashing into u, spamming their shit or even missing or doing some other bad shit, and then having them forced to try to parry and usually failing to do that, to just instantly reflex away, and to add, 60% of the time is spent in air, i dont have a good view on the 1.14 pvp, so what my view on the balance team? they are heavily questionable.

k so u have testers, ur telling me none of them complained about the cone check? cause u guys said is too restricting, ur telling me none of u ran 200+ agility to see how annoying and breaking is, ur telling me none of u used surge with potions, and ur telling me none of u noticed the fact u can run 300 atk size.

and my god, the lack of thinking ahead of time, after vetex added that substat nerf, u all want it to be undone bc just now u realize that people will go back to a heavy power/defense meta, and guys trust me, nobody is gonna use triasta, u fucking gut it, if u can aim with triasta, then use a musket, the hitbox aint bullshit on the musket, so stop buffing triasta dmg, its already a close range musket, and idk why is that guy yapping about taking into account the polls they make bc the last one with virt clearly wasnt taken into account, nor have we heard anything else from the opinion polls, where is that base hp buff that everyone voted for, u guys didnt give us any news on that.

and can we look at their questionable decisions and perseverance? arcsphere power from 21-19? ik it got backburned but do u guys rlly think people are gonna go out of their way to find a arcsphere with a modifier from treasure charts? lets not forget about how much they wanted to rework intensity like buddy, havent u look at any of the feedback that u had to do 2-3 more polls that got downvoted into hell before u got the right intensity rework? and also also, 20%- power, so ur second though is that if vetex decides to keep ur horrible 20%- effectivness on substats, is to do the same but to power, like dont u think that is encouraging players to go more into power and less on substats?

All of this happened, it’s hard to solve any of these problems in the time frame we get to actually test them. Cone check was complained about as soon as it was added and got somewhat changed before release. It was literally unplayable when it was first added, now it’s at least tolerable.

  • I still stand by the fact that cone check is actually fine on MOST fstyles, but since I’m the only one who actually thinks this I always said that it should be increased.

The Surge w/ Gale Gel thing came up late because we expected it to be fixed with the “only applies knockback during the first 5 hits” change. The amount of time we had since that change was made and the release of the update was extremely short. Balance changes are almost always done between the last week or the last couple of days.

I actually don’t know why this wasn’t nerfed. The ability to run 300 attack size in the first place probably would’ve made it into the game no matter what complaints were levied. How effective 300 attack size actually is, idk why that wasn’t reduced earlier. Should’ve been seen miles ahead.

I hope you realize literally nobody suggested this. It just happened.

Idk how I’m gonna respond to that Triasta comment so I’m just gonna skip it. I’m just gonna ask you to think through what you said a little bit more. This seems like a “rant-brained” comment.

Not much I can say since I don’t manage much of the polls but they are exactly that, just polls. The only purpose of the polls (which is explicitly stated) is to gauge people’s opinions (which is why most polls tend to be negative, so that we can see if a change that may be controversial is actually controversial.) I have no idea what’s going on with the Base HP poll though, or why a base HP change was suggested in the first place (I wouldn’t say it accounts for much of the issues currently at hand). But just know they’re just for gauging opinion.

It’s the same reason the stun poll hasn’t went anywhere despite an overwhelming majority, except I intend to try and find ways to make stuns feel less cancer at some point in the future. Vetex doesn’t have time to revamp stuns rn.

From what everyone said, the people who were able to use thermo really well were the ones abusing the airstalling crap. If you couldn’t use it, then it wasn’t busted. But it was oppressive with slight mastery.

Even without airstalling it was pretty corny.

  • Unpunishable endlag, partially due to the speed meta
  • Shots that go miles long
  • No consequence of running 20% multismashes, meaning you can overpower your damage “disadvantage”
  • Had damage higher then Boxing despite also dealing Burning, yes it was tied to heat but heat was braindead easy to maintain

Well well well, how the turns have tabled.

i just gave triasta as a example, ik u guys dont want the old triasta back but still, u did ove nerf it, i hate thermo fist but even i have to agree that it got over nerfed like triasta

anyways thx for the more info, wish u guys were more open about these problems, atleast for me is a guessing game if u guys even tested that or not

The balance team doesn’t know the difference between “Balancing” and “Gutting”. Because their no way an unautistic balance member thought that the thermo nerf was “fair” or “balanced”. Not to mention they go out of their way to fuck with features that were never an issue to begin with. Im convinced that 70% of the fucking team forgot about PVE . Take in the fact that the team is made up of people who havent seen the fucking sun since the release of this game.


Let me just state beforehand I do appreciate you coming into here and answering the posts on here. I read a few more and I wish Vetex gave you guys more time to test out the builds. I’d personally be fine waiting another week for testers like you to get to actually test.

Now back to my original comment:

  1. I understand that you say it only got a 6% nerf and that could be true, but I’ve had to severely change up my build to get to where I am. Before the update I had around 55 power or so in order to deal around 205 damage with a quick staff projectile and around 180 with my shot attack. Now with the changes and increasing my power stat to around 90, I’m doing around 205 damage with my staff and around 170 with my shots. I plan to change up my armor with the update coming out today, and it should increase my strength a bit, but even after a 35 power increase im back where I started with around a 400 defense deficit.
  2. The main issue about mobility now is everyone has it. Yes this was a great change; it wasn’t fair that mages had no horizontal mobility beforehand while f-styles and weapons could maneuver around them. I won’t disagree with the cone system going on if the next update fixes it now. It hurts that this was also done outside combat, but selino has fixed that main issue with non-combat situations.
    The main problem I have with it, which I know really only effects me and a small amount of people, is where does boxing warlord fit? Originally it was a less powerful but mobile style of fighting. What does it have over any other fighting style now? The only thing I can think of is it has increased weapon startup time, but the only weapon I’ve seen a good impact on it is the staff. Everyone has the same mobility horizontally now, so the main thing about movement before doesn’t really matter. It seems to have more knockback than before, but that really just makes it harder on myself to combo with certain weapons.

It feels like the update hit boxing just as hard as thermofist warlord to me because everything that made boxing warlord has been hit with pretty hard nerfs or taken away entirely, and I don’t see any benefits from even using the basic f-style over it.

I kinda see that as a win. Less people using 100 power and 700 defense builds. I can finally catch up and get to a point where I’d be comfortable doing casual 1v1s in Munera since I’d finally feel like I’m equal to everyone without spending 500 hours grinding for good gear.

I think those were the most serious ones, but in general i think the game requires such a huge need for everyone to just “know their stuff” that its a little to much, maybe im used to roguelikes that likes handing over all the statistics and data, and effects and MMO’s just don’t do things that way. (For refrence I love knowing my stuff and I know most interactions in the game unless its pvp)
Everything that does not come down to pvp (cause clarity wise its pretty good) it really takes knowing your knowledge. If you want clan infamy, know how that works, takes testing to know numbers from diffrent islands. Same thing with cargo, how come i get this amount of gallons this time, and this amount another time. I just fell like the amount of mechanics in the game is getting to the point that a personal notebook, an appendix in game, or something alike is needed, or maybe its just me, but new players are really gonna need a hand in the game from the old players if they ever want to get to the same level, and even more so in the future.

yeah definetly, if i wasn’t already pretty knowledgable beforehand i’d be pretty lost. you should just never need a wiki or smth. so give us stuff like drop chances in game lol

imo that’s fine. doesn’t take too long.

you can probably guess how it works, but i think it isn’t explained in the game correctly? which is weird

my beef now is they looked at FOTS and thought it was fine to add it into the game

its not even that good it got nerfed pretty heavy before it dropped. Decent move but nothing crazy

Decent move but nothing crazy is wild to me but yeah it’s not like anyone thought “it’s fine lol” and just ignored it.

@Dreay is trying to revert some of the thermo nerfs

People have complaining about recently but like, FOTS spammers literally fold to anyone putting constant pressure on them. It’s still a dumb move but NOWHERE as bad as upd1 pulsar.

what is FOTS?