What's everyone's beef with the balancing team?

The polls’ terrible reach and representation

Anyways I kinda forgot why this argument started

Bro is speaking purely in hypotheticals, why would polling on a public server pinned in the main discord be a bad thing to you?? Would you rather we poll nobody and just add changes as we see fit?

  • forums is polled too, there’s no reasonable way to poll absolutely every person in the game on every single topic

Also the game isn’t big enough for thousands of people to be considered “bad reach and representation”

Well you’re talking about <1% of the population so idk

That applies to all polling in the history of ever, when you’re doing a research project, lemme see you do over 1% of a population.

Yes, the reach can only get so far; and thus the polls are going to be incredibly biased

That’s just a fact, can’t really do anything about it

Close-to-max range meaning if it doesn’t directly hit anything. Yes clarity in this game can be improved but "hitting something makes my skill deal more damage " isn’t exactly completely unintuitive. And as Level has said, this has existed since day 1, since fighting style gameplay in testing consisted of: “Run away and spam shot to splash people with the AoE at the max range of the attack” which prevented the need to aim or, you know, get close.

Can’t always provide this clarity sadly. For example I suggested that cone have some sort of visual indicator when you are targetting a player vs when you are not. Got some assortment of reasons as to why that couldn’t be added.

Aside from cone and shot though, what changes do you think need more clarity? Numbers are pretty much changed in every game and formula changes don’t tend to be directly disclosed (although stuff like alt stats on armor def need more clarity).

??? huh

Vetex generally does not take a strong stance on balance changes. Exceptions are when:

  • A. They are too much work to implement
  • B. They do not fit the game.
  • C. They are too arbitrary or complex.
  • D. They’re just plainly stupid.

If certain changes drastically impact the general “playstyle” of the game however, Vetex is more likely to get more involved in those changes.

Examples would be:

  • Cone check, both testers and Vetex pushed that change, and I’d argue nothing is fundamentally wrong with that idea it was just a failure of implementation.
  • The recent alt stat nerfs
  • Any gamebreakingly meta skills like upd1 Pulsar (although he just ran w/ the bteam’s suggested nerfs)

Ultimately Vetex still has the final say on all changes but usually he takes a neutral stance on whatever gets proposed.

Agility Mage/Size Warlock, pretty interesting contrast.

Because they ceased to be “fstyles”. Ridiculous vertical mobility just meant berserkers could fly and spam Shot/Axe-Slash, which at the time was arguably better than Mage. If you need clips I can supply some from the upd1 Warlock meta.

Additionally it allowed fstyle users to escape any engagements, which overlaps with what reflexes are right now but at least reflexes are globally available and offer 0 verticality.

Explosion speed on imbues* with Explosion being the most used Ileg imbue rn. Funnily enough that nerf isn’t even helpful since speed affinities are half as effective on imbues, meaning that’s basically a 0.025 nerf. No other slow things caught nerfs.

They overshoot changes pretty consistently to the point that it feels as though they hardly test their own changes or play the game to begin with. A majority of nerfs that occur are to the point that they wholly change the game’s balance. However, they’re still adding balance changes on top of that without even a second thought towards the collective effects they might have on the game

I wouldn’t say they’re incompetent, more likely just inexperienced. Game balance is a tight rope to walk for games with this many interactions, and it doesn’t help that balance patches are few and far between so if something goes south you’re gonna be stuck with it being that way for quite a while.

I mean… okay? Upward mobility is powerful in this game, but seeing as Fighting Styles are almost useless at a distance, I’d say it balances out. Besides, you can only use two Air Mobility moves before touching the ground.

On the contrary, I put forward the following point: the power amulet kinda sucks compared to the other amulets

I see good to know

There is a substantial difference between “upward mobility being powerful” and stuff like this:

That being said, most of the mobility in these clips was nerfed before cone was added, and stuff like shot range nerf would’ve helped reduce this, but all of these problems will still exist so long as cone isn’t a thing, just to a lesser extent.

The nerfs done to Crash mobility with imbues were compensated by people switching to Thermo-Boxing or Thermo-Dagger Warlord. Nerf that and they’ll swap to Boxing-Rapier Warlord, or whatever else provides high mobility.

All amulets give the exact same stat ratios as enchants (1 Pow = 3 Alt Stat = 9 Def)


  • 6 Pow × 3 = 18 Alt stat, 6 Pow × 9 = 54 Def


  • 26 Pow × 3 = 78 Alt stat, 26 Pow × 9 = 234 Def (Amulet actually gives 233, so slightly worse)

Alt stats also follow a diminshing returns formula, meaning the more points of each stat you have, the less each individual point is worth. This means you would arguably need an even higher ratio for amulets for them to be “equal”.

I do agree that my point of view on power amulet being kind of bad is opinionated, but a lot of power related accessories not relating to arc sphere are just straight up better, and that isn’t the case for pretty much every other amulet.

Besides, you responded to this but not to any post talking about how the balance decisions done are kinda underbaked. Please take the time to discuss these qualms with other people and share your side of things rather than just correcting people on what they got wrong with stat formulae.

Meant to respond to ya, check my post

I’d argue that this just goes back to the original point that Power amulets aren’t bad, rather overshadowed. But yes this isn’t necessarily at the fault of arcsphere specifically.

I’ve responded to anything that I think needed to be responded to. What am I going to say to a comment like “the balance changes tend to be overdone.” There’s not really anything I can say in regards to a statement that’s evidently true. It’s not like I disagree.

I also have directly responded to comments about balance changes. Maybe not the ones you wanted me to, but for that, see the above statement.

As a boxing warlord main who was already feeling weaker compared to many people, I’ve been getting gutted every update since I’ve been playing it.

1.14 update hurt my damage output by around 15-20% and got rid of my mobility in my moveset. Now I’ve invested in a lot of agility to get my movement back and getting hit with a massive nerf to it again.

I’d like boxing warlord to at least work on the game, but at this point it feels pointless.