What's the best variation for Lightning Magic?

blue > purple > yellow aka piss colour

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Green lightning :fr:

White lightning :fr:

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Black lightning :fr:

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Red lightning :fr:

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Rainbow Lightning :fr:

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Dang it you beat me to it

Yes, the rainbow

ez ez


Nuu I want redo

how dare you
I shall now yellow lightning on you

blue and purple if you like men :hot_face:

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Purple lightning


ur fine :smile:

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gg no re

I remember seeing orange and white lighting on vacation once. there was a supercell off the coast to the south and every 4-10 seconds it would light up with a deep orange glow. a separate time, white lightning was directly outfront.

Yellow: Bad at PVP (like me :pensive:)
Blue: Good at PVP
Purple: Sweaty (toxic?)

I actually prefer yellow lightning as blue is too common (and reminds me of AA’s lightning color :face_vomiting:), and purple just doesn’t feel right. Yellow is the best color of lightning :sunglasses:

what does this even mean