What's the forums opinion on DOORS

fuckin hell not again


look what you’ve done

people getting horny over you AGAIN

i am magnet


I don’t get horny over lego ppl and randoms on the internets smh

(btw is smh “so much hate” or “smacking my head?”)

shaking my head


misinput is magnet

zzzzk clink

proud bowling ball just got a promotion to local magnet :magnet:

new bowling alley screen when you get a strike confirmed?

damn what if i dont know english

What is it like? I looked it up, gives me Yume Nikki and Spooky’s House of Jumpscares vibes

the name is quandale, quandale dingle, at 10 years old i was already mastering my super death die shadow destruction powers and I was kicked out of the house at 11 from my mom, and then I killed her and all of my siblings and then the whole city, and then now I am being hunted down by the government but I will get stronger and use my powers to kill the government because in reality this whole thing was a symbolism for capitalist greed and also I’m gonna have dragon wings and shadow horns that amplify my darkness dark dark super shadow powers. and also I’m gonna get revenge on my dad because he wronged me and I’m gonna kill my highschool love interest because that’s also symbolism and oh yeah I’m still in high school this plot doesn’t make any sense lol

Closer to spookys. Nothing like Yume Niki

The only thing I don’t like is how there’s only one or two things that don’t kill you instantly.
I mean sure, its not that hard of a game, but make one mistake and its back to door 1 with you.

it’s not that hard to climb up

Yeah, each run takes like 20/25 minutes tops though. It’s an arcade horror experience not a long form horror game.

Realistically, I do not find horror games fun. I’m fine with being jumpscared or smth, but they are quite boring. (this includes Doors)

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doors gets boring after like 2 playthroughs tbh