What's the forums opinion on DOORS

Have you played it?

also do you agree piggy really did not need to be as big as it got?

like clearly it was a meme game but they went apeshit with lore and stuff

Never understood the hype around that game :fr:.

you just run and get jumpscared by spiders idk

ikr it was so dumb

No and I have no need to.


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but then u can’t make a valid opinion on it without trying

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why would someones opinion on doors be bad, you deal with them every day smh

could not care for the fnaf horror game phenomenon

I’m not sure what this has to do with anything being discussed.

yea, but they close off so many options

I’m 100% not confused :fr:

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but you could open them :scream:


yeah they’re pretty cool
helps keep intruders out
helps keep children out of your house
10/10 would reccommend for everyone

0/10 door
that is the worst door handle I think I’ve ever seen.

Solid, high-quality game

My only gripe with it is that it’s short, I haven’t beat it yet but door 100 comes quick

It doesn’t bother me much though, i’m just glad that an ACTUAL game is on the front page for once instead of “anime power simulator #575842057404 [PETS X2 EXP]”

game has cool graphics but gets mid like after 3 runs. All I did was read up on the monsters via the wiki and the game becomes ez to flawless

omg guys look wiki page named after me I must be so handsome and popular