What's the weirdest thing you ever did when you were younger than 13

lol roleplay to the maximum

beyblades are fun
even if i dont have friend to play it with
watching it spin is fun

Raise your hand if you said a bunch of shit that sounds horrible now you’re older!


:raised_hand: :slight_smile:


I don’t think I have anything notable, except for my edgy phase which was extremely awful

beyblade was the shit but boy did I like it a bit too much as a kid

my mind struggles to remember

one time i googled “fat ass” on the family computer and showed my parents
i was a fucking idiot (i was like 9 btw)


I had my toenails painted red when I was really little for some reason

I used to act like a wolf at recess

I kept stealing legos from kids club at elementary school

Acting like I had a girlfriend at one point

Drawing the lenny face everywhere since I didn’t know what it meant

Telling my brother swear words

There’s a lot more embarrasing things in my childhood but those ones I can recall quickly

never knew you were a woman


idk lmao, prob something nsfw…

what a baller

Dropped a metal lock on my toenail and broke it because I was taping the lock to a door and the tape couldn’t hold after a while

I remember one time on bloxburg I deleted all of the furniture in my house that took hours and moved in with a girl thinking I could permanently move in, I wasn’t very bright :fr:


Stealing a pistachio nut from a store, later returning it out of sheer guilt. Only thing I ever stole from anyone.

that reminds of when i accidentally stole a toy knight when i was 4

I wrote fuck you at the back of my kindergarten toy project thing since I didn’t know what it meant.

I was 5.

In fact I was so clueless that when my principal took me to her office I never even knew why or what happened and they never explained to me what happened so I just sat there until my mom came.

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