What's your guys opinions on weapon hitboxes?

I personally feel like weapon hitboxes are quite inconsistent in this game. To get a lot of the weapon hitboxes to work, I usually would have to constantly move my character or be aligned just right in order to do damage. Inconsistency varies from weapon to weapon, such as Vistarian Spears being really strange. What’s your guy’s view of these hitboxes?


I agree, they’re really bad and weird imo i feel like my weapon is touching the enemy yet it does nothing.

The vistarian spear just has a very weird hitbox, all the other weapons have decent hitboxes though.


No, at times I have had issues with the Castlian Sword too with it not registering hits.

Not sure if im doing something wrong, but I dont hit anything most of the time with the spear.

You can only hit with the tip of the spear, and you can’t hit while moving the spear, so you really have to aim so that you hit the enemy at the end of your stab, at the tip.

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I just use dual daggers, as those are really powerful, fast, and they have a big chance of hitting the target.

Weapon hitboxes can be funky when you are laggy, but otherwise I like them.

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you get used to weapons like the spear
you actually realize that spears are meant for long range and you actually keep your distance when poking people
just a learning process that i enjoy i guess

Absolutely, the hitboxes seem a bit strange. I used my Old Shortsword to kill some NPCs yesterday, and I was really frustrated by the lack of hits. Not even clashes or damage. Just nothing. It was super weird cause I was like directly in the bandit’s face.

Can be wonky from time to time. Like I could engage a bandit with a sword and I wont hit him at all while he hits everything and melts my hp.

I feel like its really wonky because there’s no shift lock and its hard to keep aligned with the enemy.

Yea, a custom shift lock for when you equip a weapon could be a solution

There is already kind of a shift lock if you are walking, but it doesn’t really commit fully and many actions can stop it such as running

Yeah they kinda wack, especially vistarian spear. Sucks to not be able to use my hometown weapon whatsoever but its just not viable for pvc or pvp at all.

Spear is pretty viable in pvp when combined with a crossbow. The throw is what really makes it worth having.

throw really sucks, its damage is alright but slow startup, slow travel time, and leaves you extremely vulnerable

The bleed DoT is a good opener or finisher but thats about it

You’re pretty much better off only using crossbow/bow

true they are wonky and its harder to use the spear so i just use my dual daggers for close range combat i only use the spear for the good throw