What's your guys opinions on weapon hitboxes?

The main problem seems to be that weapons don’t start dealing damage until they near the end of their attack animation. However, this looks pretty funky when moving forward or when the enemy rushes into your weapon, because it also deals damage when your character is holding their weapon out a fraction of a second after they finished their swing, poke, or whatever attack movement the weapon has. Not to mention the animation doesn’t have the legs syncing up with the ground.

The Vistarian Spear needs to be fixed, it only registers when the tip hits the ennemy at the end of the animation… So you have to align your character and its a struggle when fighting (especially against higher level opponents like mini bosses)

i can see what you are saying, but honestly i think its just that melee weapons are a little funky in general. due to no shiftlock (i know why, please dont tell me) you have to orientate your character to be facing the enemy with wasd, and then you can finally hit the enemy. im not sure why a first person mode isnt available either, i mean it be far worse than being in third person but at least i could “aim” melee attacks easier

It could also be when the active hitbox frames for the attack. Maybe making them longer could help

I believe the hitboxs are fine. the hitboxs are very accurate on the blade itself, while even if your standing right infront of someone and your slashing, if the blade does not touch the character it wont do damage. This is where you accuracy for fighting needs to come in.

Some of them are inherently depending on your latency, so none of them are actually broken. It’s your own latency.

Spear hitbox is very hard for me to get used to :frcryin:

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I don’t think it’s a problem, it’s world of magic not world of weapons after all

Indeed, the spear is by far the hardest to learn to use. I think of my self as a very good weapon fighter and I could adapt pretty easily with it.

The throws really makes it one of the deadliest attack if you could hit someone with it then chain it with a magic that could possibly boost its damage with bleeding

tbh it doesn’t really bother me since i only use great spin to inflict bleed then finish them with a plasma explosion

but like, what if the enemy is like far away?

b o w or i could just get close to them

Bow exist, I forgot about that weapon :sweating:

Very good observation on the attack animation. I think sword and dagger hitbox are fine, attack animation are short and it connect easily with the target. However, spear really should start dealing damage from the thrusting motion until the end, it feels very weird that spear doesn’t do damage until the end of the motion. Once again good observation on the animation not syncing up with legs, i never noticed that.

They Range from;
Fine: Most of the Swords in the Game
Ehhhh: Dagger (gotta be REAL CLOSE)
either godlike or bullshit: Spear

the spear hit boxes so bad lol

I’d say the biggest problem may not even be the “Wonkiness” of your attacks’ hitbox. Its the fact that the npcs have god tier AI, and can absolutely destroy you with almost no regard to cooldowns or stamina.

That is true, I remember two captains were on me and I spammed high jump to get away, but they managed to both land a bunch of beams and I died.

Well, I did read about the Roblox engine being able to make a running animation and a waving animation happen at the same time, but that could cause even more lag if it was applied to leg sync because of the amount of weapon-wielders in the game.

Also, if weapons with long attack animations dealt damage as soon as their attack animation started, that would make them very powerful because they would have so many frames that they could deal damage in. My suggestion is to have weapons deal less damage if they connect with an enemy near the start of their attack animation and clash less effectively too.