When did you peak on the forums?

quick to read and easy to enjoy, perfect for getting a response from large groups

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minotaur wom


project pain was goated i just don’t got the energy to do it again

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actually i think this thread is where i peaked, banana’s reactions were funny

my peak was when I created siren neviro and immediately quit writing after lmao

i am in a constant state of greatness

probably any time before ao’s release, i was more active back then cuz i expected i would like ao (i do not) and the community wasnt as bad back then

cant pinpoint a topic but probably the “ed judges” topics i made

that one time i dabbled in animation or made the mobile concept

I remember you

I remember you too

i second this

i second this too

back when caline melody posting was active

or this

No one will remember me, I never did anything good or memorable

I will be shamed for even trying

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Well mate, I shall, and I will, remember you.


No matter how shit your art might be in your opinion, I will still remember you as someone who still try anyways

probably this little cooking thing

Wheres my katana beast instinct vetex.

i think user4 made me reach my peak