Which Clan was the best clan in AO?

Clearly mine😼(a former bank clan that I haven’t bothered leaving or changing)

What the fuck did I just read…
This topic is cooked :skull:

Ig bringing up clans on forum is like politics at the dinner table

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we are having a conversation

Wow, I think I remembered that forced flag incident, lmao. Thank you for this magnifico of a comment :pray:

definitely not :sob: i gotta lock in full time for college now and I’m not rlly a fan of ao anyways

real asf my clans changing owners when i start uni :sob:

So this is the end of a legend? :sob:

Wait, arent you the leader of neptune?

End it all on ao for better happy fulfilling life without it being stolen

Lmao :sob:

so true

yes i own neptune, and soon @dracojager will instead

So antoher end of a legend? :sob:

its just the beginning of another legend!!!

draco is the main reason neptune even has a presence in ao still :sob:
you know nothing about neptune and it shows sorry man

Yeah, Im sorry, I didnt know you were the leader of neptune until 1 day ago and, +, I dont really know eu clans either :sob:

sorry to tell you but neptune is predominantly us and always has been like that
im just british

nah its like half us half brit

ik liam and i are us

hi sir

My condolences