Did you say…
Yep, I was in a server with a few of them once. I was driving my ship and 2 of them are chasing me trying to shoot me in my caravel
I flee into the dark sea and lose them, and then they just fling themselves over and kill me. I think it’s called “The Noble Cannon”(I’d assume wind mage ult art blasted them in my direction)
what even is this topic bro
circle-glazing and feeding bait trolls
If you ask me, there isn’t really a real way to even say any clan is “the best”. Not like there are any official metrics other than the leaderboard, but we all know that isn’t trustworthy. Clans have alt farmed in the past, 80% sure Goethic does it too but nobody touches them since they’re pretty isolated. Actually, what even happens in Goethic anyway?? All I know is that they’re spanish.
theres a lot happening with goethic rn also neptune is one of the few clans that didnt alt farm
all the other brits there are my friends who dont play ao
Not entirely, there is few US players
Maybe It’s just me, I just never saw a Neptune player in a US server
because people think were eu because im eu
were not “us based”, all our events follow my timezone and are made to be suitable for me, not the us members - but they still partake
Ahh alright then, mb, still a W clan