Which clans do you think will be top 10 in AO?

If I could choose it would be orna or morocks
Probably orna since it’s valued at 2 lws

clans are meant for pvp and if you really want a bank ig but utility guild isnt really a thing

Infamy from random killing is removed in ao, so it’s not as pvp focused

infamy is gained from capturing islands and lost by dying on said islands but you’re gonna always be pvping to protect those islands so yes its completely pvp related

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U can’t tell there are so many w.i.p guilds and new guilds that can take the leaderboard

a majority of the top guilds will be older ones simply because they have members, these newer guilds will be without members and a fair majority will be trying to join guilds like latom cc suncry etc.

That really does not matter communities will grow fast and will outpace older guilds over time these wom guilds will be a thing of the past in a year believe me

I swear this auto correct mad annoying

Not saying the communities won’t grow fast, but the large wom guilds will simply not be a thing of the past, they’ll survive if their owners play the game


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They will survive yet but I don’t think they will stay top 10 like the title of this topic says

otherwise proof me wrong and dominate the leaderboards :no_mouth:

I doubt latom and CC will be top 10, but the likelihood that suncry falls off is very slim

it wont fall off suncry rank 1 day 1

:sun_with_face: Suncry :sun_with_face:
:1st_place_medal: Rank ONE DAY ONE :1st_place_medal:

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Suncry most likely as unfortunate as it may be I also lowkey want war phoenix to make a return if anybody remembers them from AA

yeah no cap, Suncry is going to dominate ao that’s fs

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:sun_with_face: Suncry :sun_with_face:
:1st_place_medal: Rank ONE DAY ONE :1st_place_medal:


Maybe first weeks yes

atleast for 2 years, there aren’t any other guilds that can even compete with suncry