Now that we have a definite release date to the Dark Seas, which dark sea are you going into? Now hear me out; considering that the entire map is surrounded by the Dark Sea, what direction would be the best to head out from?
(So you don’t end up like this:)
Do you head South from Mount Oryths or North from Pelion Rift? Or maybe even East from Fort Talos? Don’t even mention the folks that’ll start from Akursius Keep to the West.
I think it really depends on what you see in your server, because I’m predicting most people are gonna get reflexes first hand, meaning the North will be crowded a bit
Though beyond that, If you see a lot of people going North, then go South, if you see a lot of people going East, go West. Thats my way of thinking about it
For shipwrights, you def don’t turn in at Ravenna. Though because of this, I think Thorin and other uncommon shipwrights is gonna be crowded as fuck as well. Same concept as entering the Dark Sea, try to see which Shipwright is the most crowded and look at your bounty boards to see where the threatening people are
Imo, here’s the “chance of player encounter” based on where you enter the dark seas.
Red - everything near Ravenna
Orange - somewhat easy to get from ravenna but still far
Green - you will go there if you SPECIFICLY dont want to be attacked by any player