Which guild will become #1 after AO releases

I’m being dead serious. I got banned cause I did not play fart simulator.

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Sussy baka

You were saying? Also I guess fart sim got took down or smth


Well ask for an appeal or some shid idk or be active

No, you guys have proven how gay you are already.

I was probably part of the more active in the server when I was in it

:rofl: Ok bozo

Did you even get past deacon

Bro I don’t know I have not been in there for a good 3 months, who tf is Deacon.

that’s a whole ass lie (i was just getting for several files)

bruv ngl fart simulator is cringy as hell. At least you distanced yourself from them i believe.

Fishing guilds.

Naww you cappin :rofl: :billed_cap:

Is it just me or has element gotten a whole lot more toxic recently?

Mfw you take my usual banter as toxicity :pensive:

entity on top.
(anyone who disagrees is bad)

entity :pray:

Let me join Entity cause they on top
(please I need guild, also CC is kind of gay.)

naww you cappin :rofl: :billed_cap: