Which One Piece character is able to defeat Theos, The War Phoenix? If none, who is the closest to beating him?

Lore doc, ingame and webcomic feats included, since it’s the best we have. Let’s see which One Piece character can beat, or atleast be closest to beating this funny old man.

What Theos is capable of:

  • Using Sun Magic, which is a mutation of his first mind(?) that allows him to create golden flames way more potent than normal Fire.
  • Using Phoenix Magic, which is a mutation of his second mind(?) that allows him to create blue and yellow/orange and white flames that can both be used for destruction and rejuvenation. Healing effects are probably the same as Marco’s.
  • Using Fire Magic, which is his third mind. At the battle against Prometheus in the Third Sea, he mutated it into an unknown mutation to finally defeat the Undead God.

His feats:
-During 1050s

  • Low-diffed almost an entire undead army AND then almost stomped Durza, who at this period has all 4 Absorption, Earth, Lightning and Explosion Curses, aswell as tons of different magics. With this, we can consider that Theos can low-diff a Curse User.
  • Survived a worldwide catastrophic explosion unleashed by Durza as a final resort that killed 80% of humanity, although he was far from it.

-During the events of Arcane Adventures

  • Casually annihilated Captain Sage’s, a level 350 Lightning Magic user ingame, presumably Lightning Annihilation with a small Sun Magic projectile, Lightning Annihilation spell probably scales around city block level.
  • Fended off against Undead Prometheus for hours, the Undead God who can possibly destroy the entirety of the Third Sea with his Promethean Fire.
  • Later killed said Undead God and destroyed Durza’s tower as a last ditch effort, then dies after.

If some feats or scaling I gave is not valid, you could ignore them.
With that done, gimme your answers.

iirc whitebeard was the only person described as having the potential to destroy the world, so he might compete. not sure though

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Phoenix is first, Sun is second

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my goat war phoenix would beat those one piece fodders unfortunately


I think some of these feats are misinformed, AA webcomic isn’t supposed to be canon so it’s unsure if Theos ever helped the Peacekeeper directly before his death.

I think he won the fight against Prometheus and Durza (he retreated) but shortly after died to blood loss (by some dude? I don’t remember but he definitely died of blood loss canonically) He didn’t actually mutate a new magic and die from it.

For me though I think only Whitebeard or Gold Roger has the capabilities of defeating Theos, Whitebeard will provide environmental advantage and overwhelming tremors and Roger will deal with Theos personally (both of them are in prime) maybe Rocks too but idk.

On second thought maybe only Haki users stand a chance, some DF users are strong but the moment they lose the ground they’re standing on they will die, not to mention Theos could definitely destroy an island with little to no effort so Prime Garp and Roger maybe?

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I forgor to mention that he died later afterwards🗿

Any of the big heavy hitters might have a chance.

Whitebeard, Roger, Garp, Kaido, Awakened Luffy, etc.

We don’t actually know enough about Theos. Sure, we know he’s extremely powerful, and that he survived being near a blast with all of Durza’s power (it hit a mountain waaaay off in the distance but still), and fought Undead Prometheus, but we don’t have anything to compare that to.

It shouldn’t be possible for him to survive anywhere near an attack that literally destroyed the surface of the planet, but he inexplicably did. We don’t know how powerful the undead are, either.

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webcomic lore, not canon

wtf no??? just because Duzra can use 4 curses doesnt mean he is as strong as 4 curse users

dont get me wrong, Theos ( in his current day at least ) can low-mid diff most curse users, but that reasoning was dumb


no one probably, maybe Law with his steal heart skill and maybe awakened logia users ( we still havent seen any so its kinda hard to scale )

Big Mom abilities on work against people thats scared of her, so it most likely wouldnt work on Theos

Kaido might be able to tank a fire hit from him, but if Theos ignore possible calsuties and goes full force he would probbably win

White Eyes Beard has some decent chances if he act fast enough

Black Beard eat shts cause last time i check that fcker cant fly and has no way to deal with Theos ( darkness fruit disable DF abilities, so wouldnt work on magics )

Shank has some decent chances too


Our best guess about how powerful the undead are is the fact that they alone managed to keep Cursebeard occupied for the duration of the war. Granted he was probably trying not to get hurt leading up to a fight with Durza and there were more of them but it is still impressive that Theos managed to effortlessly wipe out an army of them.

I don’t think it’s rational to compare his undead post and pre 1051. He’s had nearly a millennia to hone his craft, so the undead of the 1800s are probably much better than the ones he was making pre-1051.

And to be fair, Cursebeard was well past his prime, and lost his will to live. It’s not a question of his strength, but of his spirit. Seeing all his closest friends fall in battle, and then get right back up again, turned against him, would break anyone.

Oh yeah I’m seconding what wmdrayal said I forgot to mention, just because Durza can use 4 curses does not mean he is as strong 4 curse users, this only UPS his VERSATILITY, which Durza never seems to implement and only fights with raw power he collected.

Kind of a flaw of Durza, he later got hundreds of curses/magic only to use like, what, 10? and some are mixed combined attacks and such. He’s still as powerful as a single curse user with the exception that he can garner more and more power for a single attack.

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In addition, he has a lot more undead after almost a thousand years. This does lead back around to the undead not really being a good way of measuring how strong Theos is. Besides, we want the limits of his strength, not how many weak enemies he can defeat with a single attack.


Ace (luffy brother) all of his attacks are fire so anyone with fire based fruit powers are uhhh you know just not be effective

Also fire attacks work on him so yea…

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First of all, Luffy is not hitting Theos (Kaido could’ve dodged that but being the big dummy he is he took it head on). Theos can fly and he has dodged bigger (going into the next point).

Second of all, that attack isn’t impressive AT ALL. In lore Theos dodged a continent/multi continent splitting attack from Durza which wiped I believe 90% OF THE HUMAN POPULATION. All this attack seems to have left were the sea clusters, which in all honesty in lore should be bigger than what we see in game.

Lastly the Theos we fight in AA I believe should only be using 10% of their full power. Whether or not this is 10% of their full power without their equipment or 10% of their full power if they were using their gear is unknown. Probably 10% of their full power without gear, which means the attacks we see could not only be 10x larger easily (you can call this into question if you want) and stronger, but they would also be significantly more potent had he worn his armor.

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Whoever had the toy toy fruit could beat theos prob lol

Thing about that is that Cursebeard doesn’t have to worry about being tired because he has the energy curse which gives him infinite energy. So he doesn’t HAVE to worry about getting hurt when he can just use his 3 other curses to annihilate the undead enemies with his full power every time he encounters them. Except, he can’t really do that at a certain point? At the very least he couldn’t beat Undead Zeus and Durza.

Curses keep you in your prime (Elius), but the losing the will to live is probably what got him (vaguely remember this from the lore doc, might be bias from reading this though).

Theos has Haki


Idk whitebeard in his prime then :person_shrugging: