Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

Except there are clear cases they do

Those cases being type, speed, and ability specific.

Still invalidates the statement

It invalidates the statement of hitting every single type of pokemon, not lions.

Going by that logic earthquake never specifies that it strikes non-Pokemon.

under those rules pokemon win

“Regenerator restores ⅓ of the Pokémon’s maximum HP upon switching out.

This effect will occur if Regenerator is the Pokémon’s Ability in battle when it switches out and is not suppressed; a Pokémon that obtained the Ability with Trace will restore HP when it switches out, whereas a Pokémon which has Regenerator but has been affected by Gastro Acid will not. Heal Block doesn’t prevent Regenerator from restoring HP.”

simply put, you could switch between pokemon with this
switching out doesn’t cost any pp, meaning that one could switch between them infinitely given they can tank a turn of lion attacks for 1/3 of their hp

now given that we have this infinite loop, the next step is entry hazards

all you’d theoretically need to do is put down something like poison barbs/spikes/stealth rock/sharp steel then loop till all lions are vanquished

given that we have access to nearly all pokemon, the amount of setup you could pull off would be insane

side note; if the lions don’t have any “dark type moves” then you can also just flip between any ghost type and a chandelure with flame body

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Literally all those Pokemon but Ho-Oh and Reuniclus get bodied by 5 lions

You’re also giving wild pokemon too much intelligence

And going by the logic of Pokemon moves can’t hit lions: Lions can’t use Pokemon moves as they’re not Pokemon. Meaning they can’t kill ghosts, metal, rocks, Fire, Magma, Ice, Faeries, Electricity, etc. And so we’re back to square 1.

For the sake of efficiency, I’ll just give you the same vid that both Nuclear and Archer have given you.

1 Billion Lions VS 1 of Every Pokemon - YouTube

Have a great day!

Mf pokemon literally die to normal boulders

Based on the assumption spread moves will hit 1 billion lions which is a huge stretch.

I uh don’t know if you were serious with that video or not… but it’s pretty obvious that it’s a meme

It is a meme, still more realistic than what you’ve said

Then you’re pretty out of touch with reality.

Anyways this will go on infinitely, no ones yielding so we might as well end it here. You stay to your opinions as I stay to my own.

Says the person who thinks 1 earthquake would hit 1 billion lions

says the person who thinks earthquakes can only affect 5 things at maximum-

When did I say that?? I said they couldn’t effect more than 22k each which is still a generous estimate

I think you’re heavily underestimating the strength of a lion too

1b lions would win
nobody gives a fuck if they can fly
the pokemon would run out of PP way too fast, leaving them useless
lmao pokemon suck

And is that lore/reality wise or game wise? cause if you want to go by reality/lore everything dies from a lava slug. If you want to go off of the game then earthquake hits the entirety of the battle as long as they’re on the battle field, in the actual battle. (Save for flying and certain abilities since you’re so keen on that.

I think you’re highly exaggerating the strength of a lion to be able to destroy solid rock, let alone metal, and completely ignoring ghosts. Also when tf could living things attack lava? They supposed to spit on it?

holy shit 250 comments
wtf happened here?

Except logically if you use your fucking brain, 1 earthquake wouldn’t hit 1 billion lions, going by Macargo, all the Pokemon would die first since the Pokemon are closer

Legit most of the pokemon would get clapped by lions, don’t be only mentioning things Lions can’t effect especially the bug/grass/normal types