Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

Limits of power, that’s literally what the level system is.

You were supposed to catch the ultimate Pokémon with regular Pokémon on the first Pokémon game. You were supposed to defeat the ultimate legendary with regular Pokémon.

I always thought of stats being the actual limit since each pokemon has a different stats cap, while they all have the same level cap

They are also a limit

Yea but you’re saying game-based sandile can’t achieve the same thing as game-based groudon ignoring lore. They can both one shot other pokemon, use earthquake, and have virtually no difference besides stats and appearance. Other than that they do the same exact thing. Lore and pokedex entries are what separate them to have different scaling.

Ability, stats, size, class, experience type, and many others

people getting way too angry over fictional animals fighting not so fictional animals using the game mechanics of the game series where the fictional animals come from

Stats don’t matter to Lions that will get lit aflame and die from a charmander using ember, size may matter but if anything that just means they have to deal with getting sandile out of the sand, they’re the same type, and the amount of exp they get won’t matter assuming every pokemon is lvl 100 fighting lions. Not even attack matters cause we don’t have to consider the way lions take damage seeing to they bleed from getting stabbed by rocks…, and basically every other type other than water, grass, fairy, and possibly fire

who attacks first, lions or pokemon

lions would probably be faster than many slow pokemon
but practically any pokemon with decent speed would outspeed

alr, how many lions will be attacking the pokemon at any given time? im thinking the battle should be structured like this

  • its a giant pokemon battle (exactly like the game, minus the trainer and any trainer related features)
  • a significant amount of lions are attacking the pokemon at any given time
  • whenever a lion dies, another lion takes its place (this would count as a turn)

then the lions easily win. Unless each pokemon has at least 1,000,000 PP they’d eventually faint from struggle alone

the only way to win would be to get some infinite PP setup (not sure if that’s possible) and wipe every lion on the battlefield every single turn, thereby making none of the lions able to attack

if that’s possible and loopable for infinity, pokemon win
if that’s not possible or not sustainable, lions win

how did this get 372 replies???

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Not possible since Pokémon can’t use leppa berries with recycle, pain split, nor fling.

My question is, why the hell are yall talking about pp when its only relevant in battles and never in pokemon other then tutorials or items that give pp in the game

im still stuck on what the fuck billionlion means

It sounds like some sorta mutated lion

Conclusion: Like a lot of animals just hecking died and what even happened

i have made the executive decision that the lions would win