Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

oh so the lore somehow supports your theory? why didn’t you just say so?

unless that’s not what you mean, in which case what exactly are you trying to say? that because it’s fictional it doesn’t need to be proved? i’m confused af rn

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I mean if it was groudon

groudon definitely could, but if we aren’t counting legendaries I don’t think anything else could do anything on a similar scale

I wouldn’t… because things like Gardevoir could create black holes, that one sword-ghost pokemon from B&W would be unkillable, be able to decapitate them, and suck their souls out. I’m saying the earthquake wouldn’t even be necessary cause their lore is more OP than the game.

Droughting the world isn’t the same as making an earthquake kill everything

Ok but is there something that makes gigantic earthquakes that kill 1 billion? Also you bring up arguments with very inconsistent scaling.

If you’re using the game, you have to prove that it can happen in game.

If you’re using the lore, you have to prove that it can happen in the lore.

There is no “Something else does so and so therefore this can do a completely unrelated thing”

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could’ve just said that.
that has literally nothing to do with earthquake itself.
also pretty sure we were going with game and not lore, correct? that still leaves the claim unsubstantiated.

lore wise groudon definitely could
but yeah anything else probably wouldn’t be able to so banking on that is kinda pointless

Not an earthquake though

considering groudon has several powers over the earth, and the move earthquake, I would definitely assume it could

That’s a logical assumption that could go either way when dealing with primal scaling. But trying to say Sandile could canonically do the same is something different altogether which is what frappuccino is saying.


The inconsistent scaling comes from you constantly switching it from “No lore, they’re to powerful” to “In the lore they can’t do it, so why do it in the games?” Going solely off game mechanics there is nothing that says they can hit 1 billion, but there’s nothing that says they can’t. There’s only two perspective’s of it: “We didn’t see it, it can’t happen” and “We didn’t get anything canonical that says they can’t so it’s not impossible.”

I mean for some reason in the games groudon can only make an earthquake barely any stronger than your average last evolution, and since you can get a lvl 100 sandile and have it strong enough to fight/defeat a groudon outside of competitive, then the game’s scaling is honestly more wack than the lore’s, especially when you want to ignore lore that sets canonical limits…

And neither of them matter because the thought is discounted either way if there’s no proof of it occurring

Levels are limits…

I mean don’t get me wrong I still think pokemon would win 100%, but always through cheese and not some giant earthquake spam thing

sandile can only beat groudon because the game combat has to be somewhat balanced

Levels only exist cause that’s essentially a universal thing across games, I wouldn’t exactly call those canonical limits. They’re there for the purpose of game progression.

They are literal limits though

Yet they’re the thing that allows lower stage pokemon to defeat gods, if they’re limits they aren’t doing a good job

no its so they can beat gods and shit lol, thats the point
what fun would catching a legendary be if it one shot literally every pokemon you have, or vice versa?

How much longer will you guys be doing this?

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Then what is he trying to call them limits of exactly? They aren’t doing anything canonical so I don’t get hits point.