
Hello bio!

Oh hey that’s my signature tactic :D!
Here’s a video of it on someone with 6k player kills

(Ignore me fumbling to get my potions I just spawned)


yoooooooooo nice!

I am both surprised and disturbed at the sheer amount of sockpuppets RB1 has made. Dude is just so persistent.

Not even an IP ban can completely stop him. RB1 is truly a puppetmaster for the ages.

Sadly there’s no easy way to IP ban against a VPN user unless you want to block all users using that specific VPN within that IP space, even then you can just as easily switch over to another VPN and continue your shenanigans.

There are some clever methods using specifically saved cookies to track a user through multiple IPs but I don’t think it would be worth the effort to track down one user.


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Bio what video recording software is that and how can u upload it to the forums? When i try to post medal clips it won’t let me

I’m using medal as well, but I download my clips and I just upload that to the site.

So once you create a clip and upload it, it’ll show up in your library. If you click into it, it should show an options panel with the download button (that you can see below)

From there just upload to the site directly and it shouldn’t give you any issues.

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i’m trying to use the forums and engage in community more in general very interesting lore here

So I have to upload the clip to be able to post it on the forums?

my god…:skull: also ya’ll didn’t have to jumpscare me with those repilies, I just got out of bed

Oh hey, you also got one of Noble’s biggest yappers!
Well done, you did a community service!

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Went off-topic
Don’t make rb1 topics