A degenerate. weeb


would be cooler if they weren’t on the sex offender registry.


It had two modes

1:He would make suggestions such as how to implement inns.

2:A guy you should never let in your home for obvious reasons.

When I activated both modes we had suggestions such as, “bathing system in which you should rub your body”

Wait, was he the guy that suggested a sewage system for the game or was that someone else?
(If not him im pretty sure it would be sister but idk anything about her)

I don’t know and I prefer not to find out

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pretty sure that was someone else

You’ve become weak Star


How to dislike a post

why are you making all of these topics man you could just ask in one big thread


Yeah but then itd die before i get all the answers i want, which is why im separating them

Thats it im flagging you

NEKOSAIKOKOU…I haven’t heard that name in a while…

They went by many names: the p*do, the weirdo, the guy that made really weird suggestions like marriage, the online grooming justifier, and the creator of the forum’s most cursed art.

It was only last year they were caught slipping and were banished from the Forums. Rest in piss and never be missed, NEKOSAIKOKOU

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I wonder where they went

he wasn’t a pedo, he just thought that sexual harassment online was ok
before they got banned though they were rather

he wasn’t a pedo, he just had the :moyai: opinions if u get what i mean.

also his creations man :sob:


I will never understand people who get off to roblox.


They’re fucking blocks.

How in any way is that attractive?

I get some people have their puberty but…

Isn’t roblox still a game meant for kids.

I’ll tell you what it better not be the FUCKING KIDS making this shit.

As they say, if it exists on the internet, there is most likely NSFW stuff of it.

Hell, they even did that to a piece of ore from Starscape

how do I delete others’ posts again?

The industrial revolution and its consequences

he got banned for posting rule 34 of the storyline bosses