Just talk about his personality and not why he got banned (i already know he is a p*do so i dont need to know the specifics)

He… Existed, I suppose.

He is an example on how to make everyone piss themselves 101

Wow we really are playing forum lore jeopardy.

Nekosaikoku was before my time but I’ve done my studying and know more or less what happened

I heard he made… ‘interesting’ drawings to say the least

I would post The Image but it may burn your eyes hotter than the literal sun. They’re responsible for one of the most cursed art created on the forums and if you look far enough you’ll be able to find it. Generally, they were a good person at times but also had a very, very bad opinion on a certain subject which was one cause on them getting Thanos’d. They also made a Suncry hit list if I recall that I may or may not have found mildly found amusing at the time. Lastly, they also made alts which is a no no. Of course this is just my opinion and different perspectives on Neko vary.


I fell asleep for a year and I missed out on so many important figures. I kinda wish I stuck with WoM but I was getting tired of waiting for AO ngl.

A degenerate. weeb


would be cooler if they weren’t on the sex offender registry.


It had two modes

1:He would make suggestions such as how to implement inns.

2:A guy you should never let in your home for obvious reasons.

When I activated both modes we had suggestions such as, “bathing system in which you should rub your body”

Wait, was he the guy that suggested a sewage system for the game or was that someone else?
(If not him im pretty sure it would be sister but idk anything about her)

I don’t know and I prefer not to find out

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pretty sure that was someone else

You’ve become weak Star


How to dislike a post

why are you making all of these topics man you could just ask in one big thread


Yeah but then itd die before i get all the answers i want, which is why im separating them

Thats it im flagging you

NEKOSAIKOKOU…I haven’t heard that name in a while…

They went by many names: the p*do, the weirdo, the guy that made really weird suggestions like marriage, the online grooming justifier, and the creator of the forum’s most cursed art.

It was only last year they were caught slipping and were banished from the Forums. Rest in piss and never be missed, NEKOSAIKOKOU

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I wonder where they went