Who is responsible for this monstrosity

(sorry if this is NSFW, mods, if you feel like this is breaking any rules, I won’t mind it being closed.)

I was thinking about making a shadow warlock file after seeing what a lightning warlock could do (charon’s little pvp clips) so I went to google and I searched up “shadow warlock” out of curiosity to see if others have thought of the build as well.

I saw a lot of conjurers using shadow, a shadow warlock came up ONCE but it wasn’t thermo fist it was boxing, so I guess I might try it out since FS styles aren’t actually half bad, I played berserker a little and it was fun.

As I was browsing some images however, I came across… this

what. the. FUCK.

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Of course it’s from deviantart :sleeper:

hahahaha get it guys??? genderbent females are the devil personified??? because its opposite of a male character or person’s gender??? hhahahahahaahahha

get better humor for christ’s sake

I don’t care that it’s a gender bend I care about… a certain detail that was put in this “art piece”

In all honesty that art is ass

well whats the matter if genderbent vetex has boobs? youre too weak to handle that shit?

Epic art someone should post that in #art tbh


idk man I wouldn’t be happy if my roblox character was poorly drawn with tits

wow! i sure do hate this art!

Your weird

and what the fuck is wrong with the AO community already I want wom back where the good ol days were worse when it came to guilds :sob:

deviantart… I forget that website is home to horrors like this. Not for very long though.

I still use it anyways.


what in the absolute fu-

vetex is online rn wonder if he’s seen this yet :skull:

ping him

hell nah

learned long ago to never go on devaintart :skull:

just be very careful what you put in the search bar