Who is the strongest person now after Cursebeard died?

Sensing like everyone in top tier most likely does.
Calling one of the strongest fraud is wild

A gun isn’t doing anything to Morock.
A gun isn’t doing anything to Cursebeard.
A gun isn’t doing anything to Rupin.
A gun is blowing the PK’s head off Lincoln style

And that negates all of his other feats?

No, but my Blue Eyed King Morock would solo.

Actually, yeah nvm that negates all his feats
-1,000,000 aura

thank you for mentioning rupin

my fellow fire related curse user fan

(:fist_right: :fire: :fist_left:)

They found it

Just because its CAPABLE of harming him doesnt immediatly make the PK “paper mache”, it CAN hurt him, but that doesn’t mean he is weak enough that a literal bullet will instantly kill the PK

Also, need I remind you, Vetex has stated that any weapon empowered by magic energy, (like how warriors use weapons) IS CAPABLE OF KILLING CURSE USERS
Also Morock’s weakness is water so you cant be talking shit :skull:


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i feel as if a ghost is speaking to me…
it must be one of the many souls i’ve crushed on my crusade to defend the lord, creed.

No shit buddy. Vetex stated REGULAR ASS bullets, (yes, REGULAR ASS BULLETS) could kill an absorption curse user, because the curse doesn’t have any regenerative or defensive traits. Hell, you’ve seen this image because I’ve shown it to you lmao

are you stupid buddy :slightly_frowning_face:, I am talking about ALL curse users here, vetex has directly stated that ALL BUILDS will be able to hurt curse users if and when we fight them (would be stupid otherwise) SO MY POINT is that anyone who uses magic energy to improve the power of a weapon can harm curse users
learn to read :man_facepalming:

Buddy I gave solid evidence against you then you started crying and disappeared, stop making bs up

You’re very much the one who can’t read here. If you used that great big brain of yours, and manifested the electrical currents surging from it to make your fingers scroll up the mouse in your hands, you would be able to READ what was originally said by me. I never once stated anything regarding “magical weapons”. The levels of cope you needed to amass to circumvent my argument (that the absorption curse has no protection against standard bullets) must be insane, because I again never mentioned anything you said.

Only for gameplay. Not in lore.

No one denied that, maybe you could use that hand of yours to scroll up :skull:

Last I checked, I was the last to reply on my thread, I replied and you disappeared :skull:

the message in question you can’t read btw

on everything my opps getting too small brained to argue with :sob:
im gonna need to open an application for sentient non npc people to debate me :pray:

I think AU kingdoms have their armies using melee weapons instead of bunch of pistols and muskets for a reason.

Probably just because not everybody has a curse on them tbf
(and not everyones lucky enough to be born with magic)

You said guns cant kill Morock, I brought up the fact warriors use guns impowered by magic energy, which is said to be capable of killing curse users

The entire reason weapon users exist canonically is because of that magic energy, its canon.

You didnt deny it, you completely ignored it and claimed that I said that only magic infused weapons could kill the PK, which isnt what I was saying pidgeon brain

You didn’t even bother arguing against my point, you just started spouting meaningless anime bullshit


Yes… When someone says guns, they mean conventional weaponry. I never once specified Arcanium Weapons were in this equation, so yeah maybe read a bit harder :person_shrugging:

No…? The magic energy used by Warriors is not present in their weapon. It’s present in them, and that’s how they do crazy moves.

Dawg, you’re actually stupid. Not only can you not spell Pigeon, you have to bring up new arguments just to try win. We get it, you’re unable to beat me with words, and thats okay.

Yeah, because everything you said was previously debunked. I guess you have a really major issue with learning how to scroll up.

Tldr: You’re the most intellectually struggled individual in the forums, and I will gladly help you if you want my help.

By magic infused I mean the warriors own magic doofus :man_facepalming:

Same point above

you doing exactly what I said you were doing, twisting my original point

This ENTIRE TIME you still haven’t given me a single source, you just keep saying “scroll up”, I have, you got none left that I haven’t already disproven

Warriors implies to magic, other than the chaos naturally present above them. Again disproven because you don’t know how to read what Vetex says.

No? I was re-stating what I WAS SAYING. Again, you can scroll up to see the first message, and maybe reach an anthesis and change your ways to reach further educational intelligence.

Here are your sources, since ig you’re too challenged to scroll up??

gg man, again I can help pay for you to repeat your grade 1 education :fire:

I never denied this idiot, I simply stated that other curse users, like that loser Morock could also be killed by a Warrior using a gun

No… he can’t?? Typical Elemental curse users have an immunity to regular bullets. This has been stated SINCE THE SECOND UPDATE OF ARCANE ADVENTURES. (2015)

And it’s confirmed again by Elius, and literally every other source in the existence of Arcane Curses lmao

Vetex literally in the screenshot says, “The Absorption doesn’t work like the others” and “in the sense than you can turn into the element to dodge or travel”

You seriously need to learn how to read

highly doubt that considering savants can’t even learn a lost up until near max level (which is the canonical build the MC is)