Puppy or Skittles?!?!

Totally not tryna restart drama.

These guys have been duking it out on multiple different topics and personally I can’t decide in my own head who’s winning…

I’ll find more topics later, unless those are it.

  • skittles as in the candy
  • puppy as in the dog
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Who are you and what are you talking about???

I’m really not sure.
Puppy is on the same side as me in the arguments, but also skittles usually lasts longer. Then again, puppy usually remains more serious and doesn’t start making up random things upon starting to lose an argument.

This is a full war at this point, and it’s hard to see which of the two is stronger from my perspective

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I ship them :3



:face_with_raised_eyebrow: hold on there brother…

It seems I have been mentioned. From the quote I look like I was with puppy but after reading the AA webcomic I have been enlightened. I don’t take it that seriously though.

mb I didn’t mean to mention you, was just trying to find the arguments start

its confirmed.

Now kiss :blush:

My fellow morock glazer solos, just as morock himself does

Yeah that’s because you don’t help him in arguments

He doesnt need help, his arguments are always correct and thus needs no assistance

my guy has more glaze going around than a krispy kreme

I glaze all my boys

That you do actually. You may not help skittle but you certainly do tell everyone how amazing he is

He isnt the only one I glaze, any neptune members also receive my utmost support

you don’t actually see this but darkshadow is responsible for the nuking of puppykeeper’s home, which is why he takes 1000 hours to respond back in any argument

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For a second I thought this was asking if I’d rather be given a puppy or a bag of Skittles

Personally, bag of Skittles, I don’t feel like caring for a dog sorry :+1:

skittle knows the secrets of the universe. he is all-knowing, because he opened his eyes and became a saint of morock… puppy is just fodder…

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