Who is your current OC? What's their magic and lore?

I’ll start.
Tanya Valdez: A wielder of the permafrost magic who previously led her town against several brutal attacks with guerilla samurai during a harsh chaos fueled ice storm. The various attacks and need to keep the ice away from the town led Tanya to combine and mutate her ice and snow magic into permafrost. In a final gruesome attack against the pirates invading on their village, Tanya used her snow magic to cause a massive landslide, burying both her and the samurai army in thousands of pounds of snow. Before her death from the cold, Tanya was rescued by Cara North and their crew, including Barkeep Willow. After sailing for a long time she settled with Barkeep Willow at Shanty Shallows.

Cara North: A former marine lieutenant who was exiled from the navy for killing his troop in a battle with the assassin syndicate. He only killed them because his entire troop had ties and alliances with the asyn but the navy didn’t want to believe him or wanted to protect their own alliance with them. He sailed the seas collecting crew members and gaining fame in his own clan, “The White Garde”.

Barkeep Willow: An enchanter and Oracle who was part of North’s White Garde and sailed across the war seas with him. After meeting Tanya, Willow decided to settle down at a tropical island so she could care for Tanya’s wounds and to get her in a warmer and safer place rather than the seas. She built shanty shallows and placed special seals on the buildings to prevent them from destruction by weather or players.

What’s yours?

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Maddox browne: a semi deranged poison warlock vigilante with a pretty questionable moral compass

Ashlyn Parker: an honest, hardworking acid mage who’s looking to make things right in the world, tends to be a bit overprotective of those she cares about

Valter Blue: a quiet, solemn wind paladin… eager to please… desperate for praise…

Nash Blaze: a completely clueless juggernaut who literally spared elius simply because he got too distracted by a butterfly :sob:

Sunny Scmidt(?): I completely forgot this file existed but she’s an ice/citrine savant so uh… cool I guess? Not a lot of lore here sadly :confused:

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I’ll uhh. I’ll just go for Akos. That’s quicker.

Akos Frost was the Crown Prince of Frost, Heir to the throne of a large nation called the Impexis Regnum, which had just come out of a war in which his nation had won due to the use of a God Weapon to massacre the entire enemy country in a split second. During a journey to another nation for an international meeting, Akos’ group is ambushed by Assassins of a group called the Shade Order who, although they are defeated, drive Akos into a large blizzard. The Prince ends up sheltering in a cave, which coincidentally is also the place where The God of Chaos, Randomness and Unpredictability is. Bad luck because instead of killing him, The God latches onto his soul and turns Akos into a demigod being who cannot die from natural causes. This new situation starts to drive Akos almost into insanity. Later, he decides to go to a location called the Rifts to try and communicate with both Gods and the Dead in order to get an answer for a question that he has. This failing, he begins a journey across the world in race against the Shade Order and a maddened murderer called Icarus Fielnflaerreh, searching for Godlike beings called Divinities in hope that any one of them would have his answer. Eventually, he confronts Icarus who has been attempting to reach Divinities before Akos in order to kill them for (some reason). A fight ensues, with Akos and his allies attempting to kill Icarus as he pulls out his (secret power). Spoiler alert Akos wins but Icarus being Icarus basically emotionally manipulates him throughout the fight using (secret power) until Akos basically breaks, and the God of Chaos, Randomness, Unpredictability, Etc. decides to take control.

Funnily enough this is a bad thing and the world doesn’t like it. I’ll explain it one day somehow ig.
Funny god namesake guy causes chaos. Akos’ friends want to free him from being a puppet of Chaos, so reforge the God Weapon and try to use it to fight chaos man god man, which works sort of. Akos basically tells his friends to beam him up and then the god weapon does a god weapon, killing the god (with the god weapon doing a god weapon). Akos’ soul gets sent across spacetime and he ends up all over the place(s). One of these places is quite familiar, when he wakes up the only thing he remembers is this old amulet, and vaguely a few words.
“This will be our… Arcane Odyssey.”


SinbadThe Sailor, Knight and user of the eagle patrimony, paralyzing all in sight with his lightning. On his journey to start a Country called Judaea.

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Oooh fancy, I guess I can join
Yuriko Storm-Callers: A skilled Lightning Warlock from the “Storm” clan, a family renowned for its Grand Navy members who wield lightning magic. The clan has lived for generations in “The Eagle Tomb,” a stormy region with abundant Thunder Crystals, giving them a natural affinity for lightning magic. Yuriko and her ancestors have developed the unique ability to channel lightning through their bodies, forming “circuits” that allow them to control and sense it.

Yuriko was born with a rare power rumored to be a gift from Zeus, called “Inheritance of Thunder.” This power is divided into two parts: “Set Aspect,” which allows her to control the settings of her lightning spells for precise tasks and responses, and “Alter,” which lets her change the surface properties of her lightning spells, such as brightness and appearance, but only slightly.

Like many in the “Storm” clan, Yuriko underwent rigorous training to uphold the clan’s honor in the Grand Navy. However, she felt no pride in her clan and did not understand its importance. Deemed a failure and a “special case” after her father’s death—who was investigating corruption within the Navy involving the Storm clan and the “Order of Aesir”—Yuriko rejected her clan’s bonds.

Determined to honor her father’s legacy, Yuriko decided to uncover and destroy the corruption he sought to expose. She abandoned her clan’s expectations and now follows her own path, believing that by living her life freely, she will find the evidence she needs.
Fun fact: She eats candied fulgurites, The tales involving her clan also seem to imply they’ve had a “lightning curse” user, which should mean that her clan could date back to between Y1046 - Y1050. She mostly uses her ability to play pranks by placing magic pipe bombs in people mails or cargos

Kristen Waters: An Ice Conjuror who is searching for revenge against her families’ killer. The only clue she has is that the man used a blood red dagger.

Jesper Winters: A warrior looking for his missing sister. Currently wanted for attempting to break into silverhold to find her. After narrowly escaping from the mortars he hides out in the abandoned villages of Frostmill.

Rami Fjord: Chaotic and Merciless savant who goes around fighting people to improve his skills.

(No image found)


Let me see:

Abdallah Salore: Leader of the Elemental Council classified as an Emperor by the Gilded Fleet, an incredibly powerful Lightning Mage being the last of the Salore name (At least to the public).

Ace Arbor: Another explosively powerful mage thrown through poverty and trauma longing for justice and abolishment of the Gilded Fleet. Known as the Trio’s Lieutenant.

Zion Barion: A shadow and light pure hearted paladin with hidden power that can surpass even Abdallah once he finds it, also known as the Trio’s Admiral.

(I know its not creative)

I have a ton of characters whomst I have created based on friend’s slots or just in writing, but for simplicity (and the fact that I am still attempting to get my shit published) I’m just going over my “Main” character/the one I play as.

Skye Watari is an individual not from here, actually originating from the seven seas. She was a fairly notorious pirate captain even without the posession of magic nor a sea curse. She lived as a pirate captain would: pillaging, thriving, all whilst avoiding the threat of the Arcane Government.

One day however she got Ambushed and put under threat as a desperate hail mary move she directed herself and her crew past the sea barrier into the uninhabitable zone. (Commonly referred to as the Dark Sea) Within the confines of these cursed waters they escaped their threat by a hair.

This presented a new issue however they were lost, tired, and low on resources. Without a compass they were essentially wandering aimlessly. Even worse: they eventually came under the new threat of an Atlantean vessel. For the sake of her crew, Skye assaulted it herself. In a stroke of luck, the corrupted crew were in possession of a compass which points itself towards the nearest sea cluster: their ticket out of here… if they were able to defeat the monstrosities which chased them.

As they started to board, The Captain filled with a new resolve, sending the remainder of her crew off on a slightly smaller lifeboat as she faced the opposition head on. Her crew could only watch as their main vessel erupted in a massive explosion. From self-destructing her cannons the ball of fire evaporated the crew of beast’s and presumably the captain herself: taking her life for theirs as they followed the compass and attempted to keep their boat afloat against the rough tides.

Meanwhile on the other side of the world, a girl washed up unconscious onto a port town. As some of the nearby townsfolk approached her the girl released a wild surge of lightning, teal to compliment her hair which was dyed a deep blue. Her appearance was warped and near-animalistic, possessing a human body along with a pair of grandiose wings, bared fangs, and sharp claws.

Despite her appearance the citizens took her in, curious about her situation. The girl could not remember much except her name; Skye Watari. As she remained on the island her instincts screamed at her to kill… something almost felt natural about it. As she felt new experiences, fragments of her memory returned. Possessing some form of crew: something that she could remember herself “caring” for.

Building her own vessel while holding her corrupted mind back, she eventually departed from the island “wishing” those she met “Farewell” terms she had come to learn. On the open waters the girl set out on a baseless expedition: one guided by nothing except bloodshed to try and find someone to sedate her, some form of experience to unlock another memory.

Eventually that that day would come, and she would come to know what its like to live. Live not through blood, but through affection: once more caring about the comrades around oneself. This is the story of Siren Skye Watari, and her crew: The “Starlight Pirates.”

Also before you guys say “omg you cant use non-canon magics”

I got 6 OC’s (7 counting the lore I made for one of my friends files), but heres some lore ig for my oldest file and my friends file. My OC’s kinda coexist with the AOMC, so there’s a lot of different events compared to the actual story.

Real Name: Aaron Booth
Ravennean Alias: Spartacus Bronze


Real Name: Winter Caesar
Syndicate Alias: Winter Booth

The son of 2 Skyhallian raiders who descended to the War Seas to pillage in the name of Skyhall. During Aaron’s short time with his parents, his father badly scarred Aaron’s eye after mistaking him for a seadweller and would show little remorse after realizing his mistake. This, amongst other forms of abuse his parents would inflict on Aaron for showing sympathy to the people his parents slaughtered would cause him to run away.

Though a young boy, Aaron could still sense that his death was fast approaching if he stayed with his parents. In a stroke of luck, he managed to escape the ship of his parents undetected and boarded the sailboat of a man who also happened to be deserting his parents. Aaron stowed away on the ship unbeknownst to the man, but by the time he had been found, they were close to Ravenna and at the request of Aaron dropped him off there. Already intending on making a stop on Ravenna before sailing to Cirrus Town to live out the rest of the days, the man agreed and watched Aaron disappear into the alleys of Rubica before sailing off.

Eventually, he was found by General Argos while he was in Rubica. Sensing Aaron’s potential, he took him in. He was raised to be an ideal soldier in Argos’s eyes and the 2 had a very loving father-son relationship. Some time after he was adopted, Argos gave him the name Spartacus Bronze. He was raised alongside Argos’s first adoptive son, a man named Winter. The brothers would bicker and fight quite often, but were nigh unstoppable together.

However, one day, when Spartacus was around 20, Winter would suddenly vanish alongside his ship and men. This would begin to make Spartacus to doubt his loyalties to Ravenna, and try as he might, he could never rid himself of these thoughts. He did much of the dirty work of Ravenna, including the disposal of Winterveilian refugees and cleaning up the aftermath.

This would eventually change after Spartacus realized that he’d been murdering innocent people shortly before he was about to execute a Winterveilian Paladin after beating her in a fight. The guilt from this led him to return to Fort Talos, gather his men and gear before deserting. While in the process of getting his gear, he was confronted by his adoptive father Argos, who let him go without resistance.

In the period between Winter’s desertion and Spartacus’s desertion, Winter had been working with the Assassin Syndicate to protect himself and his men from the Bronze Legion. The Syndicate granted himself leniency, due to his herritage, which Winter himself was still trying to figure out.

Winter spent much of his time between contracts trying to piece together his past, mostly locked away the traumatic event of watching his father being executed in front of his eyes followed by his mother and many of the people he was raised with being burnt or slaughtered in the razing of his family’s home.

After years of sifting through burnt and water-damaged journals, books, and other writings, he came to find that his father was the son of Nero, while his mother was Winterveilian. This, alongside a reunion with Spartacus, would lead the 2 to begin to plot a mass defection/desertion among the Bronze Legion, followed by a civil war.

This civil war, would start around the time of AO’s beginning, with a major battle at Frostmill occuring shortly before the MC leaves it. Fort Talos would be attacked while the MC is in it, with Spartacus (now going by Aaron again) going down into the depths of the fortress to confront his father and arriving there around midway into the MC’s fight with Argos.

When the MC was imprisoned at Ravenna, Winter and Aaron plotted the mine jailbreak to cover an assault on the palace and several other military outposts scattered on the island, alongside freeing some of their POW’s. While Winter and the MC would go to fight Calvus, Aaron stayed behind to stop any soldiers from interfering with the fight.

honestly that dosent seem like a big issue, you can easily just swap out permafrost for blizzard and it reads exactly the same

yeah but permafrost and blizzard has different mechanics

i dont wanna yap about my main guy so here are some of my other favorites

Adham Archer, ileg basic boxing warlord
very uplifting positive guy, used to go on grand adventures but settled down and gets in some fun brawls from time to time with his old friends

Marcell Arcturus, ruthless basic combat savant (vit/str/wep)
Descendant of zeus, letting her use spirit energy without a spirit weapon. she uses her powers to engage in girlbossing and privateering

Madeline Brooks, tourmaline crystal conjurer
ex mercenary turned adoptive mother, she tries to maintain some semblance of peace for her home to protect her family, which includes:

Matthew Brooks, oak wood fire mage
prodigy mage and expert jeweler, matthew is dedicated to creating stability for the people he cares about, while also dabbling in reckless adventure

(stole this one from dubious, lmao)

crystal conjs are always a W

we love crystal conjurers in this household :speaking_head:

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Shadow mage :smiling_imp::money_mouth_face: and I’m a sigma :wolf: my lore go crazy, I am only summoned in the midst of the night :crescent_moon: chant my name “GOAT :goat:” 3 times, only then I shall appear… :lion:

Oh boy here I go info-dumping again!

Warning: I know Sif’s section is very long, but I promise you the other’s are much shorter : )

Sif Pollux

Magic: Light/Lightning/Spirit Energy
Class: Savant in story, Conjurer in game
Skills: Light Magic Project, Swordsmanship, Poetry/Story-Telling
Homeland: Keraxe
Dominant Bloodline: Apollo
Lore: Grew up as a farmer, his parent’s being wealthy textile merchants who traveled a lot, but still made time for their sons. Sif as a youth raised sheep, grew fabric crops like cotton and flax, and practiced his Light Magic in hopes of one day becoming a Light-Singer. Light-Singers are light mages who use their magic to create illusions to preform folk-tales and stories. Sif being a legacy of Apollo had a greater control over his light magic, even being able to change the magics color to bring life to the tales he told in ways unseen by anyone before.

Unfortunately as with all things in the Arcane Universe, this peaceful life couldn’t last. Hearing of his odd abilities and prodigious magical talents, the Order of Aesir captured Sif when he was 16 placing him into their “research” division ran by a man known only as Agamemnon. Most of the research done was on ways of coercing and enforcing strict loyalty and obedience in subjects, for the purpose of creating the perfect soldiers. This project being known as the Psychopomps Initiative.

During the training Sif was actually killed at one point, but was brought back through the Physician’s Cure (My fellow Riordan fans rise up) a Vestige of Asclepius able to bring people back to life shortly after death. (Vestiges are artifacts imbued with the powers of the gods. Similar to spirit weapons, but tied more intimately with that particular deity, being a byproduct of that deity’s death. Examples include: The Chains of Thanatos, The Bracers of Ares, and The Aegis of Athena.)

After his death and resuscitation, Sif was put through more mental conditioning and physical training, all in preparation for what Agamemnon called “The Final Exam.” After a year of horrific training, Sif and all the other candidates were thrown into a large arena with the last four standing being deemed the winners. Sif was numbered among these four, the other three being Morden, Tucker, and an associate’s oc Veneta. In their victory they were all given new names, so that Agamemnon could strip away the last of their old identities leaving them with nothing, except what he gave them. Sif for his exceptional performance in the exam, coming out of it having not spilled any of his own blood. Was given the title Achilles. In addition to Achilles, Morden was given the name Thanatos, Tucker was given the name Hermes, and Ventea was given the name Persephone.

Achilles now 17 was sent on missions with the other Psychopomps all around the War Seas, gathering information and completing high profile assassinations for the Order. Their main targets being Curse Bearers. With their training and unique lineages giving them control of spirit energy, they were cable enough to take down 5 Curse Holders in a single year. The most high profile being Mamoru Shura, Bearer of the Acid curse and late Daimyo of the Ryujin dynasty.

Eventually after two year of barbaric treatment, traumatizing missions, inhumane experiments (including having his bones replaced with Arcanium so Agamemnon could imbue the Psychopomps with his magic,) and constant physical and mental abuse. Sif escaped with the help of his fellow team mates. It was truly Tucker’s plan, as his high amounts of Spirit energy gave him the power of prophecy the young Oracle was able to predict the Wrath of the Gods and the Chaos it would bring to the Order’s hideout where they were kept. Unfortunately during their escape Persephone chose to stay behind to give the other three a chance to escape, Tucker died to an arrow (something he knew would happen for a long time,) and Sif was knocked overboard just as he and Morden had cleared the Order’s fleet.

However, in those churning waters, Sif met something. An entity of great power, a large serpentine being who offered him a favor should Sif continue to fight against the Aesir and their goals. Sif agreed, and asked that his memories be removed, thinking that it would also remove the trauma and guilt he felt. The creature agreed, sealing off Sif’s memories until the time came he would need them. Yet, the body and soul remember far more than the mind, and even with his memories sealed Agamemnon’s training stuck with him. As did the screams of those he’d slain. Sif awoke with no recollection of who he was nor how he found himself in the Bronze Sea.

After speaking with Morden and arriving at Redwake, Sif agrees to clear out the pirates that had invaded the island. With a blade in his hand for the first time since he was free, the training that Agamemnon had forced into him took over. The battle was over in moments, men slaughtered like cattle while a haunting melody played in Sif’s near unconscious mind.

To explain, before Sif get’s a handle on himself and during times of extreme stress. His mind will dissociate from itself rational and moralistic thought will be replaced with only a will to survive through the only means his body in this state know how. By following Agamemnon’s training, this style of fighting is not militaristic, but instead surgical. With rapid graceful movements targeting vital areas of the body. Cutting tendons, breaking ribs, increasing the pain until the victim is effectively paralyzed. This style of fighting was taught to the Psychopomps as it is highly effective against Curse Bearers, seeing as the only “easy” way to kill a Curse Bearer is to incapacitate them.

After this incident he trains in the town (not actually shown in the story I’m writing but may be added someday) and learns some self-control and discipline before going to fight Shura and the rest of the plot of the game ensues.

Some miscellaneous events being that he rises to the rank of Captain in the Grand Navy in only a matter of months. Finds his notorious brother Alex, while said brother is on a Sea-Water bender and destroying Navy ships.
Falls in love with Iris and the feelings are reciprocated.
Nearly assassinates Nilah, during a celebratory ball due to Agamemnon’s interference, he also shares his first kiss with Iris at said ball before it all goes to pot.
Becomes known to the War Seas as The Guiding Light.

Also if any of you are interested in seeing Sif in action going through the game’s events I’m currently writing a fic with that very premise.

You can find it here: A Guiding Light Upon the Sea

Alex "Storm" Pollux

Magic: Lighting/Light
Class: Warlock
Skills: Farming, Sewing, Leadership, Drunken singing, and Bartering
Homeland: Keraxe
Dominant Bloodline: N/A
Lore: As the name suggests Alex is Sif’s brother, specifically his elder by two years. Luckily for him his life hasn’t been quite as harrowing as Sif’s, but it still hasn’t been great. Their lives share essentially the same trajectory with the exception that Alex planned to take over the farm like his father had from his father.

That was of course until Alex’s younger brother got kidnapped. He left the farm in search of his brother, but found only the incompetence of the Grand Navy, a love for an outlaw named Caria, and an even stronger love of that bitter elixir Sea-Water.

Yes during his journeys to locate his brother Alex ran into and fell for the feared outlaw Caria, inventor of the Sailor-fist style (yes I know this messes with the time line of Caria only discovering the technique a few months before the main plot, but eh, the mentors are more game mechanic then people so I don’t think it affects anything.) Together the two cut a swath of terror through the Navy’s waters. Robbing, hijacking, plundering, and yet never (intentionally) killing all over the War Seas. During this time he changed his last name to Storm, not wanting to damage his parent’s reputation with his antics.

Alex during this time became something of a revolutionary, as I mentioned he never intentionally killed any of the men he fought. Instead he would ransom them back to the Navy or convince them to join his crew. This led to the Navy being outraged and trying multiple times to execute Alex, and yet he managed to escape every time.

I should probably explain his hatred for the Navy, you see Alex had once trusted in the inter-seas institution in his youth before realizing the path of a farmer was for him he’d thought about joining the blasted sea dogs. However, when he came to them a humble man looking to find his brother, the Navy did nothing. They said they searched everywhere except the Dark Sea and seen had not hide nor hare of Sif. Alex depressed and grief stricken turned to drink, and then that turned to anger, and that anger turned to fury at the Navy and a drive to take the whole organization down.

However, Alex’s outlaw ways would come to an end upon finally finding his brother. The two met on Alex’s ship the “Miss Fortune” and after a brief engagement, Alex was brought into custody. Upon realizing who Sif was Alex, promised to turn his life around, and he an Caria retired to Keraxe. Spending their days tending to the farm that Alex had often talked about with her.

Adrian Day

Fighting Abilities: Glass/Ice, Spirit Energy, Rifles, Revolvers, Rapier, Basic FS (Will change to Radius in future)
Class: Savant
Skills: Investigative journalism, marksmanship, elocution, operating a typewriter, minor amount of fulguricity engineering, and being nosy.
Homeland: Skyhall
Dominant Bloodline: Athena
Lore: Born to a well off Skyhallian family Adrian Day grew up with a love of stories. The Agora being one of Skyhalls primary institutions and a large contributor to the educational sector of the kingdom, led Adrian to grow a passion for journalism. Learning how people and the world at large worked. He graduated with honors from Skyhall’s Aeolus University with a major in Journalism and a minor in mathematics. During this time he also studied various styles of combat, including fencing, marksmanship, and basic brawling. As well as practicing his magic. He wouldn’t learn about his spirit energy until his adulthood.

His career began with what was supposed to be a simple economic report on the rising price of green apples in the Bronze Sea, which ended up with him being kidnapped by a cult and nearly sacrificed. Luckily through fast talking, and some combat he came out it with a thirst for adventure and two concerned bosses.

Over his years as a reporter he’d interviewed many high profile people around the War Seas. From King Calvus Caesar IV to the proctor of the Azura Province Warren. However, his favorite assignments are though with an element of danger, from infiltrating smuggling rings, investigating corrupt constables, to a seas spanning conspiracy to allow a single group to gain power over the entirety of the Sea Cluster.

After investigating the strange assassination of King Zephyr (or Icarus if you like Ghostly, though I like to think Zephyr’s a bit more progressive than Icarus, having taken a wife from Sameria and having a healthy relationship with her.) Adrian learns of the Order of Aesir and their plot to obtain the Knowledge Curse. This where his story (which I’m in the process of writing … kinda) begins.


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Edit 1: Added Homeland for Alex, added Homeland and Bloodline for Adrian
Edit 2: Added Notes for Edit 1.
Edit 3: Changed Adrian’s legacy from Hermes to Athena

Irwin Dove, Lighting Conjurer, a nonchalant wise bounty hunter who strives for the fame and rush of battle, his main goal just exploring the world, while doing what he feels is right to do for his own and crew wellbeing, his moral can get quite questionable, but he does what he wants pretty much still limiting himself to laws and such, a neutral adventurer basically.

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Mine is Rueben Stone, the Dragon
Wields magma, acid and fire magic. Also has a special form for each that he awakened in his biggest battles.
He leads the Dragon’s army, a notorious group of criminals and heroes alike, pirates who changed their ways and allegiance, deserters from kingdom armies, merchants and other figures.
Rueben has gained a large following simply by showing mercy and taking prisoners rather than killing his opponents. If any of his followers are caught, he does his best to free them, though he can be reckless at times.
He was born in a poor family living in a poor town. As such, he has seen the dark side of his kingdom, and always keeps on lookout against any similar attrocities of any kingdoms.
At one point, his town was destroyed by the supposed heroes. After this, he becomes a common pirate, however at one point changes his ways. He starts recruiting villains he defeats by showing them his power.
This way, Rueben gains a large following. The Dragon army has in its interests to protect people and help them, thus making smuggling operations to towns like Tiberia, helping the civilians, as well as leading a “silent guard”, who are his soldiers that protect towns by defeating threats lurking nearby.
Eventually, he goes on to capturing multiple seas and islands, and his own bounty as well as that of his allies skyrocketing.
However, during a certain giant battle, things go badly wrong. After that, the Dragon Army starts failing quickly, its units being captured or killed. In the last battle, Rueben witnesses the deaths of his last friends.
The lack of power drives him insane. Guilt crushes him, driving him into a vile frustration. He turns almost demonic, destroying everything in his path at times. He is either in a silent, crushing sorrow all the time from the trauma, or in an insane frenzy.
After all his work, all his hopes, all his dreams fail in the end. He is left wandering as an evil shadow of his former self. Life becomes a burden, a misery, a painful memory.
And thus, Rueben Stone the Dragon ends his own life

main slot is inspired by my main oc of the same name, but they are far from the same character, nor do i really have any lore written for the AO version of her so :woman_shrugging: