Who would win; 1000 level 1s or 1 level 1000

bro they wouldn’t stand a chance. have you seen the size of level 1 blasts?

all the level 1000 needs to do is high jump into orbit then bombard them with nuclear attacks

This is what I call tester wisdom, they know something that we don’t… I can’t quite put my finger on it but I just know it.

(Totally not cuz they get to test AO)

You really don’t have to be a tester to figure it out level 1’s can’t even fight back they just getting bullied lmao.

go to wom and make a blast on a new save file at level 1

Lol I progress too quickly damnit.

NGL as one-sided as this is, I would pay good money to watch.

None because the PvP level prevents level 1s from engaging in combat

With current knowledge, the level 1000. Let’s be charitable and assume the level 1s have varied magics that fit in with their range (e.g. no Ash users 1050m away), and that the level 1s aren’t all concentrated in one place. Let’s also assume that zero level 1s are using melee or solid magics, I think we can all see how stupid that would be.

At level 1k the base HP is 6094, no stats involved or anything. At level 1 it doesn’t matter cuz everything will one-shot. A level 1 deals 20 base damage w/ Metal. A level 1k regens 60/sec not including armor and buffs, meaning a 1 second wait and aside from the DoT you autoregen 3 blasts worth of damage.
A level 1 100% blast doesn’t even compare to a level 1k 20% blast. Level 1s cannot equip anything of much use to them. No level 1s can initiate bleed without Glass. Level 1s have 1 attack per class at the most. All level 1s will be outclashed.

The level 1s cannot be sparsely separated otherwise it’s just a matter of singling out groups. This means since they aren’t too far out the 1k can likely jump into space and then AoE spam and take out small groups, and can probably just find annopening to cheese the terrain to their advantage.

Onna flat map this might actually be a challenge for the level 1k tho, in that case idk.


So, if the server could manage to withstand all those spells being fired in that battle and if the level 1s were actually given permission to do PVP, then I would say that the result is…

Not easy to figure out, and mainly depends on the actions the level 1000 takes at the start of the battle. For instance, in order for the scenario that LittleShrekSheep described not to happen the level 1000 would have to run and hide quite a lot so that he is not hit with combos, upon combos of magics that would annoy the crap out of him because of the status effects, but probably would do little to no damage, meaning that he needs to constantly think, move, and act quickly.

However, thereis a very simple solution to this. You get all the level ones to a location that makes them have a tight formation or just be closer to one another, and… Drumm Roll… Fire an ultimate before you get hit, since YOU get stunned, not your magic. That easy.

coming back from typing this in a motel (likely the last place where i’ll have data for a while)


bc they cant hit each other bc of pvp shield

All the level 1k has to do is spam placed shockwaves to clear out groups of lvl 1s.


Keep in mind that the level 1k would have access to lost spells, using a zone move would literally wipe half of the level 1s unless they are extremely spread out.

The Level 1000 would win. Their attacks are simply way too large and could easily one shot a massive group of Level 1 players. Even if it were to be 1000 of them, with decent skill (imagine an experienced player is playing on all of these files), the Level 1000 could just use any spell to stay high into the air, then proceed to use a move with AoE and wipe out a bunch of them easily.

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haha but the lv 1’s would have a chance-a slim chance-of winning, only through sheer, absolute coordination

dunno how it would be planned out to defeat the level 1k but who cares

nobody wins

pvp shield exists

gonna be seeing over 200 vaporized body from one blast :frburn:

don’t you recover HP when you kill someone?

the level 1’s are toast

I don’t believe so, but the level 1000’s regen would be a ton already.

you do

i forgot this existed in this scenario, but now im 100% certain that the level 1s stand no chance
