Who would win, martin or the forumers?

Whew, was about to be scared, genuinely.

Imagine someone just throws one of those at you in the middle of a fight. You are now defenseless. And the only thing you can do as the 999th Ash-using Assassin Syndicate player is attacking is watch as you get murdered and assassinated

Deserved for joining the AS

I missed two words, whoop. Dyslexia fucks me up sometimes.

when it was in the game, it didn’t instantly reset yours stats, it just gave you a stat reset and you can use it whenever by going into your stat menu and clicking “reset stats” in the corner

i used to hit them with it and when they reset their stats i murdered them without remorse
i was acting nice to them and they thought i was giving them a stat reset out of pure kindness but i was just gonna spawn kill them before they could get their stats back

you’re forgetting 1 thing.

exploiters with kill auras.

ngl i have never seen or met a kill aura exploiter or exploiter in general

I did once in WoM. I watched them obliterate the entire magic council and proclaim “We are invincible!”

Shortly afterwards I killed them in 2 hits.

well considering we have rb1 on our side it isn’t impossible to inject scripts or something on one of his alts

how on earth did you kill an exploiter with a literal death aura

fight fire with fire

Well you see. There were 2 reasons, I don’t remember which one it was though. Either they had the death aura for npcs only, since they were with another person. The alternative is that they were below the pvp level, which would explain why they weren’t damaging me or the other person (their level was low anyway since they died in 2 hits) However, since you could damage people below the pvp level if they were causing a threat (which they were) I would be able to damage them.


well in our case, we’re assuming rb1 is gonna spam alts with immortality hacks

Martin might be strong but no matter how much damage you do, you can never injure someone with infinite HP.

Dumbass forgot to turn on god mode (no joke exists)

To be fair, if the reason why they weren’t damaging me was because they were a very low level, then they would have probably assumed that I would be unable to damage them (and no npcs would survive long enough). It wouldn’t be the first time someone assumed that I couldn’t damage them, considering I only found out myself when someone taunted me about it.

what were you and theirs lvl

We can just respawn in our brigs

No idea what their level was, just that it was quite low. I believe I was level 60, since it was the max level at the time.

Can we use adventure story files

No, a critical Lightning Bolt isn’t going to do shit to Martin.