Who would win, martin or the forumers?

Well… they’re technically still part of the forum i guess :person_shrugging:

Post says that everyone has to pick a file slot, implying they are expected to supply the max level file themselves

Nah, I’d win

i never specified from what
they could just choose their WoM file with 10 gazillion levels

Okay, so superserver, no lag, good pcs, and it’s all the forumers banding together?

Gotta say Martin sweeps.

Now, if it’s a massive scale coordinated effort, where we’re actually employing damn near military strategy against this crime against nature…

Martin still sweeps. This is like every time humanity tries to fight Godzilla in the movies, ever. No amount of coordinated magic volleys or musket firing lines or anything else would ever be enough to really damage something that is over level 160K.

On the bright side, @Mirage would have a field day drawing this monstrosity absolutely tearing through our army, in true Godzilla fashion.

Oh and when I say Godzilla, I do mean Godzilla. Or did ya’ll forget that they get bigger the higher their level is? This motherfucker is going to be taller than Mount Othrys. He’s going to walk through the sea to come kick our asses. Not swim.


Waitaminute we can call in the tactical nukes(WoM files)?

Okay maybe we have a chance. I still think this is like throwing the military at a Kaiju in a movie, but it could work.

yall really acting like i would let us die

If we have 10 people with life magic (spoiler: we don’t) and that we use the nukes (WoM files), maybe, eventually,

We would make him lose a quarter of his full health

Between Elysium and the Seas, he alone, is the hypermutated one.

wait you guys dont??

i can already hear them cooking up something (for the abyss sea or smth)

martin is in-game not really that tall, also you forgot 1 thing

i never specified we couldnt-

what would you do then?

Potions might really change how this fight would go. Invisibility would allow people to get close to him before the fight starts. High teir gale potions could be used with the right timing to dodge his ridiculously large aoe. (With enough people, some of them would live) Slowness potions would somewhat mitigate his fast movement speed.

As an additional thing, Martin uses iron leg, which means if someone get close enough, he will try to use m1. As far as I’m aware, m1 size does not scale with level or attack size, so you can simply jump over him when he does it and dodge reflex to the side when he stops to bait him into doing another one. If we send in one person at a time to do this, we could stall him for long enough to allow everyone else to shoot him from a distance.

can confirm :sparkles:

Well if we are counting all forum members then vetex would also be participating, so gg martin

I don’t know man, I don’t think Cataclysm Magic can save Vetex from one of Martin’s Iron Leg crashes.

Vetex can edit his save data to set his level to 1,000,000 and one shot him

just use interchange gel to reset martins stats lol

Waitaminute. I knew you could inflict some npcs with insanity.

But Interchange? Is this real?

it got removed i think not too sure but it would be an op pvp strat if you had and infinite supply

just checked and yes it did get removed sadly along with interchange brews it was like afew updates ago