Who's side are you on?

Between the 3 major players in the War of the Gods which side do you find the most agreeable and why?


  • Wants to take away the ability to use magic from humanity.


  • Wants to give humanity some access to magic under the guidance of the gods

King Arthur/Cursebeard

  • Wants humanity to have access to the full power of magic

These are kinda just the broad strokes of what they’re trying to achieve, other motives do exist but aren’t as important. Feel free to use them in your explanations for why you support whoever.

prometheus, he gave a vast amount of people the ability to use magic while arthur only resulted in the creation of curses which can only ever have one user at a time, helping substantially fewer people, and he did so through war and death; he said he wanted humanity to “have the full power of magic”, but only a select few among the few ever get to experience it

zeus didn’t want magic at all, so no way

Prometheus is the only reasonable option here


Here’s a poll to make everyone’s job simpler.

Whose side are you on in the Olympian war for magic?
  • Zeus (Don’t give humans any magic potential)
  • Prometheus (Give humans some magic potential)
  • King Arthur/Cursebeard (Give humans all magic potential)
0 voters

“all magic potential” and it’s just some cube that restricts you to one element that one person can use ever, more of which can’t even be made for future magics created, barely even benefitted humanity, if at all

I mean I can see a reasonable argument for all of them. I think Zeus has a pretty decent case cause even before the curses were brought into the picture humanity was already blowing each other up with magic a decent lot. Prometheus definitely has the easiest thing to market though.

Well, I would argue that it’s the summit of magic potential since its effects are permanent/linger forever.

yea but “for humanity”? no, it was for individuals, it barely helped anyone, should’ve instead made it so people could mutate their magics however they want or something if you want people to have more of the full power of magic

As a certified power hungry maniac imma have to go with cursebeard

If it wasn’t for curses, the fracture wouldn’t have happened, the war seas would be a lot more peaceful (as there would be no instantaneous gains in power due to the existence of curses), and the order might not be conducting experiments as mages would be more prone to survival (letting more knowledge survive across the eons).

yea, people even forgot what shape the earth was because of curses

Right, and traces of Chaos would be much rarer, making cults attempting to summon it much rarer.
Overall, Curses only brought misery to the world.

Okay I wanna ask how are you guys thinking about this? Are you thinking about it from the position of the audience, the position of someone in universe who doesn’t know the outcome of the war and the aftermath, or something else?

There’s no right or wrong way to be clear, I’m just curious.

From the screen :computer: to the ring :ring: to the PEN :pen:to the king :prince: wheres my crown :crown: thats my bling :gem: always trouble when i reign :smiling_imp:

Audience on my part, but if I were to think about it as if I was a character at the times of the war, I’d still reach the same conclusion if I knew what curses were (which nobody would be aware of other than the gods that experimented with some).

Well if you were one of the (un)lucky few to get an experimental curse you’d know, but otherwise you probably wouldn’t. I’d imagine most humans would go to either Cursebeard or Prometheus, maybe some who are scared of magic go to Zeus?. I’d honestly guess mostly to Cursebeard because the promise of humanity having the power, possibly reaching the level of the gods, sounds awesome and you’re under a fellow human rather than what may be a near incomprehensible being.

DeronChepem is gonna be the death of me

zeus. the man was right magic completely ruined humanity

the pros of magic don’t outweigh the cons. countless of people died thanks to magic, it’d be best if humans didn’t have it anymore