Who's the nicest person you've met in AO

Kind of an appretiation thread, I wanna see how much of the community left has decency

And I mean players not NPCs

I rarely ever find nice people, it’s either just people who want my stuff or people who want to increase their virtual killcount

either @Arpeeguy or @opticalcord but i dont rlly trust optie

arpee cos hes my pooks and optie because hes nice and gives good advice to most people

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i dont really make an effort to remember people so unfortunately i dont remember their name, but theres been plenty of people who was decently nice to me ( as in, they dont murder me on sight )

most of them has low pk count, tho theres this one dude ( dabloon or smt ) with like 1k5 pk count last time i saw him, he asked me to “sing him a song” ( my clan des is “sing me a song, a harrowing nightmare” lol ) before asking me to join his clan ( for some reason? ) and was pretty chill even after i say no. Ran into him a few times after that too and he hasnt tried to murk me yet

theres this guy called pica, i thought he was my classmate’s friend so i asked him to go on dark sea with us once and a few times after that… before eventually realize that none of us actually knew him before :skull:, still hang out with him til now, pretty chill

theres a guy who asked me and some other people to practising pvp with him at munera, i lost most of them ofc but it was still pretty fun

i think i went on dark sea once with 2 total strangers, went decently well ( as in, the journey, not the loot )

theres multiple people who gave me a ride back to land when i got stranded

and ofc fishing group with total strangers too

theres many, many more

sureee i got ganked quite a few time too but its like 1/10 or something like that, most of the people are quite chill

maybe its because i acts friendly with them first, or maybe im just lucky

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Cant remember his name, but here the story

I died to obolus for the first time probably a month ago, i respawned at sameria and he was standing next to me

He is a bad rep player i thought he was going to kill me right after i spawn (my laptop is shit for pvp so i trying to avoid them)

But he was a very nice person, we have a chatted and he asked me for pvp directly which i accepted

although I lost he didn’t take away my galleon instead he gave it back to me

A few peoples joined the group shortly after (one of them come from lost pirates clan) i watched them pvp for awhile

Until we went separately because gravy appear (someone in the group got notoriety from pvp)

truly an arcane odyssey

that was beautiful :cry:

sometimes people are fishing and i walk up to them and fish with them. i talked to one of those guys once and he was pretty chill, i forgot his name tho

I watched someone cooking for just nothing.
He gave me a meal he just cooked.
I paid galleons.

No talks, no signals, didnt met him before
But we did.

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I’m sorry but you’re joking right?

The nicest person I’ve met in a long time (other than my friends that is) is probably someone (totally forgot the name) who I asked for a 1v1 with some time ago. He was pretty chill, we also fished for a time afterwards.

i love how most of the people here either met nice people in PvP or just fishing randomly lmao

wow i really cant name a single one off the top of my head huh

i was on my grand navy paladin file (which i deleted)
was hunting npc bounties and i encountered a high lvl npc (i was like lv 60ish, npc was lv 100ish)
some guy came up and asked if i wanted help and i accepted his help
after we were done he said ‘‘ur pretty good if u fought a lv 100 npc at lv 60’’ and i was about to send a message but then i disconnected.
truly a world of magic


some random person I asked for a few Munera pvp matches a few weeks ago
we spent like 3 hours pvping and giving eachother tips, it was very fun
(also we ate insanity pie together)

Yesterday I ran into a low rep guy wearing full sunken warrior who let me test some weapon skills and recruited me to help him and 2 others (one a gravy) to fight a pretty strong npc
After we killed the npc he suggested going to the dark sea but we didn’t after I mentioned I would have to leave soon
Me and those three guys ended up hunting my rival and just sailing around obliterating pirates and getting sealed chests until he (the low rep in full SW) had to leave
Good times, wish I had remembered his user for this

I guess it would have to be a guy who messaged me in game and invited me to a free luck 5 party. He was very chill and helped me get the sunkens I needed for my build

For me its my clan leader

Yes, a clan leader

ok he’s a bit dumb but he has a very carefree attitude

He gets hunted and be like “oh well, that’s life”

Never swore or yelled at me, really nice guy, and seems to genuienely care about me


The late great @A_friendly_Bear