Who's the nicest person you've met in AO

@drak @Bio @playrrt u guys are rlly chill


stop pinging me bro :frcryin:


Me and my buddy

I was levelling up a new file, and when I got to Ravenna a (probably) clan member four digit PK shadow mage high drawback player spawned beside me and offered to help grind Dame Caesennia until I was max level. A bit unexpected, but I accepted since it was less of an offer and more of an order.

He also gave me all three rare techniques because I was running Berserker and a bit of money because he was close to max. Itā€™s not too much in value, but still unexpected to see someone give so much charity for no reason in particular.

Iā€™ve probably also met likeā€¦ 3 nice people to run some 1ā€™s with in all of my playtime (probably 250+ hours on all my files). Not much to say about these guys, some were running meta classes but their builds were all inoffensive and their skill was close to mine so it was unironic pure fun.

I also messaged a random ~500 pk Berserker for some tips on how to play and build Berserker and he took some minutes out of his day to answer nicely. Kinda surprising that just asking works out a lot of the time.

I met someone in Redwake when the game was released for three days and someone went along my story quest up to when I reach Ravenna where Revon has his announcement.

He helped me do bosses, brought me along his ketch to my story destinations and overall a great guy. He or she is the reason why I started loving ao ngl since I thought the communityā€™s nice but unfortunately itā€™s so long ago that I forgot his username but it has ā€œkiteā€ in it, could be wrong idk anymore.

@Rime @HeyImFlower_Hana-San @OnionCream @motormikester Were really cool to fight against on Orthys. Also everyone else who would hop into those sparring sessions as well

Then I canā€™t forget the ogs of @ImaLettuce @Randomness @Crimsonpants @DubiousLittleTyp0 and everyone else on the darkcane server but Iā€™m running out of pings and just know that you were mentioned in my heart :pensive:

Overall itā€™s always a joy to see a familiar name when I hop in game to solve treasure charts and yoink chests. I know I can always message any one of yall and have a fun time chating about life, the game, or just anything at all. Thanks for giving so much life to the game


For me, I donā€™t really know people in game

@Bio is the main person i meet in game and anyone else i end up sparring with.

The emigrate of evergreens server is chill as it is an upstart clan i am in (somehow got promoted to admin strait from normal person i have no clue how)

Most people who talk in chat (in game and on forums) are all nice people so if you read this chance are you can pat yourselves on the back

There isnā€™t an @everyone in the community here. Too unfortunateā€¦

I forgot their username and idk if theyā€™re logged in here, but they really helped with my build since AO is still very new to me, they gave me some advice and it helped a lot :slight_smile:

Ive met a fair amount of people who are just chill, like people that will fight you once for imfamy but they ask first, and then just fish with you or whatever afterwards. There was one time tho where i got an arkurius treasure chart but then my boat glitched into the shadow realm and i asked a dude for a carpool and he carpooled me all the way to arkurius.

Honestly tho this just makes me miss WOM so much. Like yes AO is better pretty much entirely in terms of mechanics, but we very much lost the friendly vibe we had then. I still remember going to the ironport docks and literally having hours long conversations with random people while fishing for sunkens, or getting into these massive groups running around the map killing the minotaur and exiled for their drops. I genuinely miss being able to see another player and not immediately go on defensive mode fearing they might just decide to jump me. I was talking to a friend of mine recently and he was saying how sad it is that now he has to check the player kills of everyone in his server to decide how much of a threat hes under, and how he misses being able to just go up and talk to people without having to fear getting merced.


Met this really cool dude while fishing, and we talked about life for like an hour. You meet some pretty cool people in the Nimbus sea. Iā€™m very thankful that I havenā€™t been exposed to the toxicity, despite knowing it very well.

Ratty(his nickname) ā€” best roleplayer

@mathydead , sheā€™s very nice and lovely

forums are best community :fire::fire::fire:

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Guy wrecked my ship paid double for repairs tried a skill on me which almost one shotted me and then gave me really good gems that I use to this day, I didnā€™t have jewelcrafting level till like 100 hours later because I just kept laying it off


We stay WINNING!

The guy who recruited me to my first and main fileā€™s clan. Just an overall chill dude, and the other clan members were, too.

We mostly do merchant and escort stuff, though to be honest itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve really had the chance to ply my trade.

Fr, forums always having Ws (almost)

  • Pretty much all of AO Tumblr
  • A lot of the forum artists, you guys are chill
  • One person I met ingame, possibly the nicest meta(l) mage Iā€™ve every seen. Came up to me while I was farming Argos, asked if I had my spawn nearby, when I said yes they killed me in like 1 hit, then gave me back all the money I dropped as well as the boss drop they got from finishing off Argos. Like usually random hunters are bad but this one was shockingly nice about it
  • I have this friend I met ingame about a year ago, when AO was pretty new. We used to just chill and play together a lot, we had fun. We met while he was trying to beat Cernyx and I was there grinding. We did PVP against each other (leading to 4 of my only 10 player kills on my main), dark sea runs, quests, and basically everything. He doesnā€™t play much anymore but occasionally I catch him online
  • I used to have a WoM friend that I donā€™t remember much about other than his solid-blue outfit, we used to boss grind together and help each other save up as much gear and crowns as possible so weā€™d be prepped for the revamp. He helped me out with Elius and fished with me when I got my sunken sword, but he didnā€™t play too much after it became AO. I havenā€™t seen him on Roblox at all in about a year, sadly
  • Most players under level 100 are nice, I like to help them out with story when I see them