Why AO needs mutations rather than lost and primordial magics

By now most of us know about Vetex’s plans for Arcane Odyssey regarding our magics; 3 base magics, and either 2 lost magics or 1 primordial and 1 lost magic. I believe that lost magics could potentially ruin the mid to late game of AO due to their power, how they will affect the first 3 magics we get, and how us as players will be able to effectively use 5 magics during combat. So, here is why I think rather than lost and primordial magcs, mutations should be implemented

First I’ll address the main issue; the potential for power imbalance. While we don’t know much about lost magics so far, we do know that they’re more unique than our first 3 magics due to the way they’re found, and from what the trello suggests, their strength. A concern is that if we end up having 5 magics it will be too difficult to effectively cycle through them in combat, so there’s a good chance we will only end up using our lost and/or primordial magics rather than our first 3. You could argue that most lost magics won’t just be about raw power with magics like phoenix (PRESUMABLY) giving the ability of flight or mud giving the ability to slow enemies with puddles, but not only does that not apply to primordial magics, it also gives more opportunity to have some cancer slow magic like mud and a (PRESUMABLY) really high damaging magic like Death, and to just spam those two magics, overall taking away the diversity in kits that will make PvP so good in the late game. If Vetex were to either nerf lost magics or buff our first 3 magics it could potentially ruin some lost magics due to them just simply being a worse choice to one of our first 3 magics, and that is the last thing we want because that will lead to people just going what is meta and overall taking away from the diversity.

As I mentioned in the last paragraph, a big part of the game will be the diversity in peoples kits with there being many different stats and magics to choose from, which I assume is we will have 5 different magics. Having 5 magics will most likely backfire greatly in adding diversity for two reasons.

  1. Attempting to use 5 magics at once in combat will not only be exceedingly difficult but also impractical depending on your magic choices
  2. People will just choose what is considered meta (which I suppose is unavoidable, but it will be a big issue in this case) and completely disregard some of their other magics just to do their +50% damage combo.
    While synergies are an important and intentional part of the game, disregarding some magics to use them will once again be removing from the diversity of people’s magic choices and kits. The perfect way around this would be to have mutations. If you’re not familiar with what a mutation is, it’s a concept from AA where the user essentially evolves their magic changing things like appearance, status conditions, and damage. A good example is Theos’ Phoenix and Sun magic, both mutations of fire magic. Replacing mutations with lost/primordial magics would be fantastic because not only would we only have to work with 3 magics in combat rather than 5, but it would open up even more gateways and diversity due to mutating mutations. In the lore of AA, Theos mutates his 3rd mind into I believe magma, and then combines it with his phoenix magic in order to get a different magic once more. Having this rather than lost/primordial magics would be much more unique and effective while also following lore a lot better.

In conclusion, I believe that it would be a better choice to add mutations instead of lost and primordial magics. They add to the games diversity, follow lore much better than what lost and primordial magics do, will make PvP less of a headache, and will make the best use of all of our magics. This is an opinion and suggestion, and I would love to hear what anyone who read this far thinks on the subject.


ur completely ignoring the existence of lost spells, good luck fitting all your spells on 1 or 2 magics :fr:

you have no idea if this’ll be true or not, nobody does until it actually happens. ur also disregarding the fact that lost/primordial magics are supposed to be rare, your average player will most likely only have their 3 starter magics.

idk what to say about this but, if we could exchange our primary and second magics to transform/mix them into a mutation would be cool

This was already discussed about in tester chat summary is they all disagreed with you.


I’m pretty sure that lost and primordial magics are supposed to be stronger than basic magics rather than be balanced with them. Besides, I don’t think that evolving the overpowered magic from the basic magics through mutation would solve the balance problems and diversity.

I specified “mid to late game” in the first paragraph because while I won’t fully know until lost and primordials become a thing, I was and am under the assumption that it will be around that level people will be getting their lost magics. Also I have not thought about lost spells yet, so that is a good point that only having 3 magics could be difficult for fitting x amount of lost spells.

I’m suggesting that in order to keep the first 3 magics relevant primordials and lost magics are removed, while mutations are added. I’m aware of the fact that there is meant to be a power difference between lost and primordial magics, I just don’t think it’s very “healthy” for PvP late game

Those who PVP are far beyond your average player and many will hunt for these anyways as they will be popular. Guilds will hoard these suckers as well.
Personally, I will likely just use 3 magics because of the sheer hassle of using 5 magics at once. Most folks may just make keybinds so that the magic combo they want is used. It’s a lot on the brain tbh especially with the large variety being planned to be in-game it’s gonna be a mental mess for which magics to use to counter. People will just use 2-3 magics in general likely 2 meta primordial/lost and 1 regular. It’s doomed to come to that with this trajectory.

I don’t disagree with you as your point has merits but take the future into account

Correct me if I’m wrong, but due to the lore talking about how a human can only have three minds, wouldn’t that mean it would be impossible to have five magics? You have to have two more minds on top of your three minds.

Honestly, in my opinion people should only be able to equip a limited amount of moves at once. As in if you had all 3 minds and 7 possible each, you would only be able to equip 10, for instance, out of the 21.

My reasoning? Because I like how it looks better.
I don’t actually care about PvP though, so this isn’t that important to me. It’s just an aesthetic preference, and I don’t really care whether it gets implemented or not.

Ah brother I will enlighten you.
You have 5 minds. 3 are somewhat easily accessible by the average wizard. there are 2 more recessive minds allowing for the cultivation of 2 lost magics or 1 lost and one primordial

Ah ok, thanks for the info. Though you do have a reliable source right? Could you link it to me please?

also when I said what you quoted it is an educated guess from playing AA/AR. I barely use my 3rd magic in AR that only has a very small and set moveset - I can’t even comprehend having potentially completely different movesets over 5 magics and being able to use them all in PvP or PvE. It is true WoM/AO and AA/AR are different games, but the movement and combat is near identical, so while I can’t 100% confirm it, it’s a very rational educated guess

the meta in AR is to spam magic weps/spam Q, the only reason you would use your 2nd magic in AR is to bypass the Q cooldown of your first magic or to use an ult. Using your 3rd magic is pointless since the Q damage is less than your other magics AND you don’t have your ult unlocked. AO will have many more spells which’ll be viable in PVP, although yea I see why you thought that

are you a time traveller? a lot of the things mentioned here sound like you already know whats gonna happen in the future and know exactly how everything is gonna play out

No, you only have 3 minds.
Lost and Primordials are used with hex marks

i’ll be happy as long as gravity is obtainable :man_shrugging: darkwind did sound really cool to me back when i played AA tho so it would be cool to have muts

hmm yeah i agree i wouldn’t be against skimming down the list of losts and prims since it seems tough enough to balance just the base magics already

What’s a hex mark?
My first guess is that it’s like something that you place on your body to gain the technique.

a usually stylized often symbolic design placed on a structure (as a building or an enclosure for animals) for the purpose of warding off evil spirits or simply for its decorative effect - Webster Dictionary