Why AO needs mutations rather than lost and primordial magics

Well a ‘hex’ is a fancy magic-y word for a curse often used in old folklore and the like.
More often than not, relating to supernatural entities such as witches and spirits that ‘hex’ people.

Obviously lost and primordial magics aren’t curses but I just find the correlation funny here.

mutations only worked in AA because there were like 6 starter magics and it wouldn’t have been THAT hard to make all of them
there’s like 20 starter magics in AO
are u suggesting vetex makes 100+ different magics, each one made to fill a certain aspect of an ALREADY specialized starter magic?

I dont see any problem in here seeing as I can use all of the characters without a problem in Genshin Impact and that’s four characters that we can switch to, adding another one would also show no difference.

Correct, that’s why this post is incredibly shortsighted and weird.

It appears that they’re completely ignoring that most of the existing magics right now are mutations.

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yeah, you cant specialize most starter magics without rendering them niche and useless most of the time (lost magics solve this by making them NOT replace your already existing magics), or making them a copy of an already existing magic

Yes, but the wizards of the War Seas have become so adept with magic that they can learn these magics as starter magics.

I mean that’s also the case in Magius, just because AO is happening, Magius didn’t just spontaneously get wiped from the universe.

Pretty sure vetex said he isn’t adding mutations considering a lot of magics we have currently are mutations since people in the war seas are more advanced with magic.


Nice suggestion. However, I’m not really gonna support it since you pretty much said Death Magic wouldn’t be there, which is my only goal in this existence.


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edginess to the power of 4

My edginess has ascended beyond Googolplex to the power of Googolplex to the power of Googolplex to the power of Googolplex to the power of Googolplex.

ok but
why dont you make something nice and make an equinox explosion that kills the entire internet
and by nice i mean a post that is the opposite of edgy

Sorry but Death is part of Fang’s headcanon


oh coool you wrote a description of your oc
yeah i did that with my mass murderer oc and now im making a story thats currently on hold about my plasma/weapon main character
all i have left is to include my light sniper oc inside of my classic roblox story and it will all be mine :smiling_imp:
insert generic cartoon villain laugh here

Haha yes.

This is the most edgy backstory on the forum

Too bad it’s all being rewritten once AO comes out. Fang will prob come from the North Sea also, so that’ll be a bummer.

my mass murderer oc is pretty much just
‘‘he was in prestigious villain family before being kicked out for too violent’’
‘‘he got his ass beat by the navy’’
‘‘kids saved him so he doesnt attack them’’
‘‘now he is in clan to lure navy’’
its very boring tbh but it leads to great jokes about him making orphans so its a win for me


Fang died at the same time he absorbed his Death Magic, and that ended up turning him half reaper, so he’s actually a zombie tbh. I still have no idea how that works either LMAO.

that means i can somehow exploit plant magic into the game (i wont dont crucify me please) and make plants vs strongass zombie

I still don’t know how it worked but here’s a short summary cause idk even im not even sure if he’s dead or not

He died of hypothermia the same time he got death magic, and somehow that ended up turning him half reaper. Unsure how, but that ended up saving his life and he remained frozen for a years in Bronze Grasslands before being thawed out and released.

It’s edgy as heck. This is gonna get off topic, I would like debating on it in the topic but that would be a massive necropost heh.