Why AO needs mutations rather than lost and primordial magics

adding on to what level said, the “average” wizard also doesn’t have all 3 minds unlocked

Well most likely you’ll only use the 1st 3 magics for synergies and probably use the magic that’s your strongest most likely primordial but that’s gonna be super rare so next best would be your 1st magic or lost because it’s not like you’re gonna use a blast with your 1st magic then instantly go to your 2nd or 4th unless you gotta synergie with em

you do know like… that kinda stuff kills you over time right? and also is very dangerous to try in any circumstance, you would probably mindbreak or something if you don’t start rapidly aging.

didnt the lore say that the hex fuses with your fourth and fith minds because you cant unlock them normally? its still a mind its just one you cant unlock by normal means

Wont lost/primordial magic just apply effects to your normal magic?

I feel like thats just the way he said it cuz he was referencing AA but sure its used by a hex then if thats the case.

wait a second level you think we could ask vetex or techlevel rq and not get banned or something?

Yeah sure, @Vetex

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I is scared now

Why are people so afraid to do things like this when its not a troll?

idk, Hes probs asleep isnt he?

I think this is as clear as it gets

I still wanna ask bruh cuz it could be just from the fact that its referencing AA

I literally can not comprehend Vetex responding to someone talking about 4th and 5th minds in WoM with “There are no 4th or 5th minds” actually meaning something other than there not being 4th or 5th minds.

But you can ask if you want

its because if they arnt linked to minds and are stored in hexes dosn’t that mean you could potentially remove one from someone? Also I read somewhere that they fuse with your fourth and fifth minds

Hot take time:
I think neither lost/primordials or mutations would benefit the game.

For Losts/Primordials:
They feel like they should be something grand, yet would just add on unnecessary skills to combat. Would you really need 40 total skills (8 on each magic, 5 total). You would just resort to using a few skills from each. Worst case scenario are people only using losts and primordials due to their capability and strengths.

For Mutations:
Creating a whole group of extra magics to replace the already decent size roster of magics (20) would be difficult to do. It just seems absolutely unnecessary to think that you should evolve your magic to something else that sometimes isn’t even close. How does fire go to magma for example? It just feels odd and sometimes people just want to go a magic because it looks cool.

Just add a fucking ton of lost spells instead of develop losts and primordials. Skills are what should matter, not the magics. You don’t want a situation where you have to start memorizing what you put on each magic. A unique diverse roster of spells, but only a certain handful to have on your actual build. It would encourage players to think more about what they want their playstyle to be and wouldn’t overwhelm players as much as even more magics.

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thing is is that some of the magics that existed in AA are lost magics in AO so we would miss out on stuff we really like like phoenix and sacrifice and stuff like that

the only magic in aa was light, fire, lightning, shadow, fire, water, earth, air unless your also counting the unused mutations

remember, there are big differences in terms of magic. i still hate the idea of just more reskinned unnecessary crap being added when more diverse game changing stuff can be in place of that