Why Are Level 125 Players Able To Hunt Low Level Players 😭

thing is how will they hide?

ig its your fault for having a bounty

and then people out here actually saying the changes that were made so that you can’t really run anymore are actually good

the fault of trying to have the crazy high bounty for the shipdecks.

Yeah but it was only 2K something, he wants the 2K renown man :sob:

He could literally get 2.5K from doing max level npc bounties iirc so he really just did it because im a low lvl :frcryin:

ig its cuz your in church then

Kill this user

He doesnt even know im in CoI in that file :pensive:

BigBussy is basically WarmWater but 100x worse

WarmWater at least can be chill that guy is just stupid

oh no

he’s boilingwater :fearful:

never really understood why the only consequence for killing low levels is a higher notoriety gain

Real talk, I am sad as hell because a friend I tried getting into a game quit over this. There was this guild of guys that jumped every single player they could find. I’m not good at PVP just because I don’t like doing it- and the pvp I HAVE done is 90% of the time at Munera, a totally different environment then ganks.

So anyway, they were at Cirrius island, just hit level 60, just soloed Elius (very proud), and they wanted to do the pumpkin quest, only one they haven’t touched. This group was at whitesummit farming Merlot. The moment they saw their boat they jumped them, as they had jumped me and my pal while we were at palo to set up camps in case we fell off the islands (remember, sharks).

To keep it brief they on repeat ganked our friend every time they left Cirrius, sank their boat, my friends and heavily damaged mine. Ended up proposing a server hop but it was too late to salvage my friends enjoyment. She simply told me “If this is what I can expect for the rest of the game, I’m just not gonna play anymore.”

To some people, the prospect that some bored, overleveled asshole(s) are going to jump them out of nowhere completely kills the game for them.


I feel so sorry for your friend.
I used to, and still am frankly scared of gankers, they’re literally the scum of the earth when it comes to AO.
At least I rarely see cavemen like this.

This is the shit that makes me not like bounty hunting. Im just not a fan of ruining peoples experience just for digital fame

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What was the name of their guild? Just curious.

(If you don’t want to it’s fine, I can sort of understand lol they might witch-hunt you if they found out)

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Ehhh I myself am not big into witch hunts ,but a part of the story I left out is a friend was in that guild and he willfully hunted us- not for fame, just because he could. He’s in the 70’s-60’s range of the savior list on the leaderboard and rapidly climbing just by how often they hunt people.

After three deaths my friend just decided to give up on the game, something I hope I can eek them back to because they were loving AO compared to the regular roblox games they played up until that point. (Oh, and the obvious stepstones climb that everyone and their mother hates)

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oh no it’s rogue lineage/deepwoken all over again

Not much of a ‘quick response’ over forums but if you ever find yourself nervous of getting ganked, let me know I can hop in to help. At minimum my lightning sailor style warlock can stun paralyze them whilst you drive away. I don’t care about losing my fame as much as I care about peoples fun being ruined in the game.


I’d help you fight them ngl

I’ll show them the wrath of the basic warlord

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honestly I hate people who decide that the only option once they get bored is to seek enjoyment at the expense of others.

If they’re so bored of the game that the only enjoyment they can find is from bullying low levels then they should leave and go do literally anything else.
Nobody wants them, nobody likes them, and the game would be infinitely better without them.

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