Why are people complaining about the update recently released?

Im not blaming the mods

I haven’t even played it yet and I know it’s not gonna be good

Get off your copium and accept the game is mid in its current state

roblox moment :fr:

also you know something is bad when every 1 in 2 comments has a :skull: emoji

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If you look at my old comments from end of last year I was one of the few people saying that the game wouldn’t drop in December or January and that vetex should take his time. that being said idk where tf u got the idea I ever wanted vetex to rush updates. The underwater update is just underwhelming that’s all there is to it. There’s nothing from diving that you can’t get normally and the sharks are way to oppressive.

To be fair YouTubers gassed this update up to be more than it was so people had unrealistic expectations. But I have faith that the next update will be better received.

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Nah, waste of money. Why do that when this topic exists?

Vet also said that he wants balance changes to be community driven

Like he said on Twitter, if you don’t like the balance changes then it’s kinda your fault for not participating in these community balance changes.

i’d rather have this than the ocean update


well rip that other wom file then, i will simply refuse to check it trust

i think he fixed a lot of lag cuz i’m at max graphics and it’s running smoothly

yeah me 2, been a lot smoother ( is this even a word ) for me today

oh my god smoother is a word dumbass

jk but still oh my god

everyone is so mean to me…

just made me think of that one meme

Banana why is every 4 posts from you something so unbearably cursed

idk tbh

every forumer has that one thing about them

flare is having an identity crisis
you are indecisive
divanochi is a close-my-post servant
warmwater is so fast that they can bend reality
misinput gets a stiffy every time somebody mentions pulsar
oleg is…oleg (rip)

and i am a goofball

I have a build crisis