Why cant I imbue magic into magic as a mage?

There are already some plans for it, but in a bit different form. Someone from Patreon asked Vetex about that.

can I see screenshot of that I wonder what vet said

I am going to sleep, if nobody from patreon will find this screenshot, then I will try to search for it here, tomorrow.

Why cant I imbue magic into magic as a mage?

I don’t know, realistically you could just do both at the same time, bing bang, you’ve got equinox.

Warlords can actually imbue Spirit weapons with their fighting style, but as logic would suggest, the two classes are too different for a fighting technique to be applied to a magical ornament, it has no effect.

Not really, it’s just nigh impossible.

Because paladins are specifically trained to handle both, which is what allows them to skillfully combine them. There’s not necessarily a direct clash between magic energy and spirit energy, magic energy just regularly harms things.

That’s kind of just not a good idea, imo.

Really? Of all things, you think Juggernaut makes sense? I mean, I do too, but like, who other than me and you thinks juggernaut makes sense?

lore wise it killed vetex the monk in lore i think.

Well, that’s different. by “imbuing” it’d imply just using one on the other, which is like casting a light and a shadow at the same time and having it blow up in your face.
No big deal, except for the oncoming electrical burns.

Actually permanently combining a magic is a different story of course. I think the webcomic puts it well. Mutations are usually caused by moments of character development (I kid you not), and a rare combination mutation like that is essentially the same. Imagine a regular mutation as regular character development, and a combined mutation as like 3x the character development at the same time. Bing boom, you’ve got Healing Shadow magic, and also appendicitis.

Yeah I wanna use 2 magics at once

yea I don’t think my 2 magics would really care if I just coated one with the other

it’s not technically fusing them to create a totally new magic it’s just essentially casting 2 blasts at once

Unless you precisely thought about where they’d intersect, you have them either missing, or popping in your face, which can either make no effect, or be more harmful to you that anyone else.

me imbuing healing magic into my explosion magic…

did I just create a splash potion?

they may be different, but that doesn’t mean they conflict, regular people have both magic energy and spirit energy within them, and the gods were even like entirely made from those or something

imbue healing with something like light and you basically can become the medic from TF2

shoot your comrades and supercharge them

i’m guessing it’ll be like an ultimate art setting

I’m assuming it’s gonna be like dual casting or something where we can summon 2 different circles at once

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kid named mutations

In doing so they also release energy, and when the difference between the two is too polarised, the energy it discharges can even cause detonations.

Petty nitpick aside, we can’t cast two auras at once (this should be enough of an explanation).

:face_holding_back_tears: Brand new legendary spell

You combine the two magics you currently have and pray that vetex made them interact :fire:

me combing death and healing to create a quantum lock magic that causes people to freeze for they exist in a perpetual state of limbo:

that’s one magic turning into another, this is about using two magics in one spell

Lightning imbued into water instant paralysis totally fair trust trust