Why do people hate doge nation and suncry so much?

Everyone balding because they can’t handle suncry and doge nation’s skill is what I see as they gank all.:skull:


no guilds like suncry doge nation entity helios will be sailing to islands that are captured and capturing them once they kill everyone

That really isn’t a good thing

Basically just AA

don’t join a guild if u can’t take the heat :man_shrugging:

I won’t

Why is it not a good thing? You captured an island, and you should exprct others to come and take it.

Guilds are meant for pvp. If you dont like it then stop getting involved with them.

Probably going to be one of the only way to gain infamy if the current way isn’t removed.

Also true. Imagine just seeing a huge guild battle over a small island

Its not going to be removed lol. Its going to be the same as it is now, but with islands in the mix.

Oh okay

I would honestly rather do that instead of random people grinding infamy is like you said, low servers. From that prospective it just doesn’t even seem skilled to grind in an empty server. Wheres the fun in that? Basically all you’re gonna do is grind and get infamy every 5 minutes in an empty server with no accomplishment whatsoever, so it’ll just act like a simulator just to waste your time at just for all the progress to be gone by a ton of clans.

Guilds that actually use pvp tactics to conquer islands? Now that’s actually something to accomplish instead of being a skill issue and farm in the lowest servers.


I just the game with 30-50 people at the max in a server for more life 50 is probably too much

I mean, for a game that has a pretty big area with ships sailing around? Yeah, that’s fine by me as long as it’s optimized correctly so that people can have a chance to play with this much.

Well killing people will definitely be the worse method of infamy gain. Im just gonna do what I do in AR, and capture an island with a pond to fish with the homies.

I mean, what’s the point if you don’t have the skills trying to kill people? Since there’s gonna be the WoM method mixed with the AA method of infamy. Killing for infamy will still be worth trying to get. If you’re gonna be farming infamy by capturing islands, at least have some pvp skills since there are gonna be other guilds coming after you, if you’re good at pvp you can easily wipe out the clans coming towards your captured island and that’s more infamy you got.

Remember Arcane Odyssey isn’t like Arcane Reborn, besides Arcane Reborn was changed in many ways I believe so it won’t be differrent.

You only gain infamy from islands if there are 10+ people in the server and at least one other guild player from a different guild

Where did you get that information from?

one sec