Why do people use straws

People having a dilemma over what type of straw to use which isn’t bad for the environment, meanwhile this exists

Just fucking drink from the cup

easier to drink on the go, probably more sanitary and good for disabled people

my first thought was just us being too lazy to tip that cup just a little higher to just drink it


Sit down or be stationary to drink :confused:
Disabled people that’s acceptable they may need it to drink properly.
but 97% of the time I guarantee you can drink from the cup normally

Yeh that’s me

cring :neutral_face:

I am not going to go into a restaurant and make my lips touch the same previous ancestors that was on that glass before me. Plus it’s also fun to drink out of a straw and more convenient if you’re going somewhere :nod:

The only time I don’t use a straw is at home


You act like restaurants don’t clean it thoroughly after each person but I guess that’s fair enough?

…Wait so you use a straw for water?
Damn didn’t know humanity was that far down

Anyway straws are kinda cool but I don’t use them except for like the two times I bought hot chocolate years ago (now they are made to be drank without straws)
The only times I drink while moving, it’s from a reusable water bottle or very rarely a can of soda

What I’m saying is that I will only use a straw for times when I’m out like a restaurant. I almost always drink water out of a cup when I’m at home or just a water bottle

Well yeah but it implies you use a straw for water if you ever drink any at restaurants…

Straws are just pointless imo I also rarely use them :sunglasses:
my man

Actually why am I even arguing here, I’m sure like 90% of you can’t even stand tap water and only use water bottles

Tap water isn’t purified here and even if it was I wouldn’t trust drinking it

it’s the taste, if tap water didn’t taste like it had literally steel inside I’d drink it too

to “avoid dental problems”

Ew light mode

straws are my favorite drinking utensil

Don’t ever call it a drinking utensil. Ever. Again.

Weak, can’t dare to drink with a fork